发布时间:2024-01-31 04:43
伯纳德·马拉默德是美国二十世纪与索尔·贝娄、艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格、菲利普·罗斯齐名的著名犹太作家之一。自二战以来马拉默德就一直活跃在美国文坛上,在长达半个世纪的创作生涯当中,他共出版了七部长篇小说以及四部短篇小说集。马拉默德的作品,尤其是其前期作品,集中描写挣扎在社会边缘的美国犹太人的尴尬处境,因而他的作品的主人公往往以“受难者”的形象出现。作为一名重要的美国作家,他先后获得过许多文学奖项,其中包括两次国家图书奖和普利策文学奖。 《杜宾的生活》是马拉默德的第六部长篇小说。小说自问世以来便得到众多外国评论家褒贬不一的评论。但是该作品在我国却还没有得到广泛的关注,因而对其研究甚少。与国内以往研究成果不同,本文作者试图从一个全新的视角对该作品进行解读,即通过对主人公一位五十六岁的美国犹太知识分子威廉·杜宾的异化与自我实现的分析,展示出现代社会中普通人的困境与命运。本论文将从马克思的异化理论在西方现代派文学中的运用出发,分析文中主人公异化的表征,进而探讨其精神异化的本因和自我实现的条件及意义。 本论文包括五个部分。 第一部分是引言。该部分简要介绍了作家的生平和文学成就;《杜宾的生活》的主要情...
【文章页数】:55 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Bernard Malamud's Life and Literary Achievements
1.2 A Brief Introduction to Dubin 's Lives
1.3 The Criticisms on Dubin's Lives at Home and Abroad
1.4 The Significance of This Thesis
Chapter 2 Theory of Alienation by Karl Marx and Its Modernity
2.1 A Review of Karl Marx's Theory of Alienation
2.1.1 Man is Alienated from His Productive Activity
2.1.2 Man is Alienated from His Product
2.1.3 Man is Alienated from His Fellow Men
2.1.4 Man is Alienated from His Species
2.2 The Modernity of Alienation
Chapter 3 Alienation in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.1 Historical and Cultural Mechanisms for the Emerging of Alienation in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.2 Western Spiritual Crisis and American Social Conditions in the 1960s for the Flourishing of Alienation in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.3 The "Alienation" Theme in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.3.1 The "Alienation" Theme in Bernard Malamud's Works
3.3.2 The "Alienation" Theme in Other Contemporary Jewish American Writers' Writing
Chapter 4 A Thematic Study: A Jewish American Intellectual William Dubin's Alienation and Self-Realization
4.1 Dubin's Alienation
4.1.1 The Embodiments of Dubin's Alienated lives
4.1.2 The Reasons for Dubin's Alienation
4.2 Dubin's Self-Realization
4.2.1 The Conditions for Dubin's Self-Realization
4.2.2 The Significance of Dubin's Self-Realization
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Papers Published During 2006-2009
【文章页数】:55 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Bernard Malamud's Life and Literary Achievements
1.2 A Brief Introduction to Dubin 's Lives
1.3 The Criticisms on Dubin's Lives at Home and Abroad
1.4 The Significance of This Thesis
Chapter 2 Theory of Alienation by Karl Marx and Its Modernity
2.1 A Review of Karl Marx's Theory of Alienation
2.1.1 Man is Alienated from His Productive Activity
2.1.2 Man is Alienated from His Product
2.1.3 Man is Alienated from His Fellow Men
2.1.4 Man is Alienated from His Species
2.2 The Modernity of Alienation
Chapter 3 Alienation in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.1 Historical and Cultural Mechanisms for the Emerging of Alienation in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.2 Western Spiritual Crisis and American Social Conditions in the 1960s for the Flourishing of Alienation in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.3 The "Alienation" Theme in Contemporary Jewish American Literature
3.3.1 The "Alienation" Theme in Bernard Malamud's Works
3.3.2 The "Alienation" Theme in Other Contemporary Jewish American Writers' Writing
Chapter 4 A Thematic Study: A Jewish American Intellectual William Dubin's Alienation and Self-Realization
4.1 Dubin's Alienation
4.1.1 The Embodiments of Dubin's Alienated lives
4.1.2 The Reasons for Dubin's Alienation
4.2 Dubin's Self-Realization
4.2.1 The Conditions for Dubin's Self-Realization
4.2.2 The Significance of Dubin's Self-Realization
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Papers Published During 2006-2009