发布时间:2024-03-24 11:06
赫尔曼.麦尔维尔(1819-1891)是美国文学史上最重要的作家之一,由于其思想超越了他当时所处的时代,从美国内战到第一次世界大战结束,麦尔维尔差不多完全被人们所遗忘。而今,他已成为美国被广泛阅读,经常研讨的作家之一,为人们所尊敬。虽然麦尔维尔的作品在19世纪40年代到50年代间达到高峰,但他的著作带有明显的现代主义意义。评论家已经从不同角度对他所表现的世界,他的思想以及他的作品对后世的影响做了大量的研究。但评论家们较少涉及他早期海洋小说的文化差异问题。本论文致力于表述麦尔维尔对于美国对外扩张的关注,对于被扭曲表现的东方的态度,以及对东西方关系的探寻。本论文将探讨他在东西方文化中面临的文化困惑。 在以“后”字开头的种种现代批评术语中(后现代主义尤为突出),后殖民批评已变得日益重要。后殖民批评从本质上讲是一种在新的历史环境下重新看待东西方关系的思想思潮。在1978年,爱得华·w·萨义德在其《东方主义》一书中揭示出东西方间的关系是一种力量上的控制关系,一种不同程度上复杂的霸权主义。王宁教授认为后殖民主义首先是一种思考方式,一种更加复杂的思维方式。虽然各批评家采用的方法有所不同,但他们都批判...
【文章页数】:46 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Melville's Works and His Polynesian Trilogy
1.2 Literature Review on the Studies of Polynesian Trilogy Abroad and Home
1.3 Post-Colonialism and Melville's Polynesian Trilogy
1.3.1 Basic Concepts of Post-colonialism
1.3.2 Justification for Applying Post-colonialism to Melville's Polynesian Trilogy
1.4 Structure of This Dissertation
Chapter Two Cultural Confusion in Melville's Polynesian Trilogy
2.1 Confusion between Civilization and Savageness
2.1.1 Stereotypes of Savages from the Colonizer's Perspective
2.1.2 Confusion between Actual Experiences and Western Stereotyping
2.2 Confusion between the Wicked American Society and the Innocent South-Sea Paradise
2.3 Confusion between the Benevolent Purpose and Malign Influence of Missionary
2.4 Impossibility in Choosing between the Two Cultures
2.5 Tragic Wonderers in Search of Destiny in Mardi
Chapter Three Causes of Melville's Confusion
3.1 Personal Factors
3.2 Social Factors
Chapter Four Conclusion
Works Cited
【文章页数】:46 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Melville's Works and His Polynesian Trilogy
1.2 Literature Review on the Studies of Polynesian Trilogy Abroad and Home
1.3 Post-Colonialism and Melville's Polynesian Trilogy
1.3.1 Basic Concepts of Post-colonialism
1.3.2 Justification for Applying Post-colonialism to Melville's Polynesian Trilogy
1.4 Structure of This Dissertation
Chapter Two Cultural Confusion in Melville's Polynesian Trilogy
2.1 Confusion between Civilization and Savageness
2.1.1 Stereotypes of Savages from the Colonizer's Perspective
2.1.2 Confusion between Actual Experiences and Western Stereotyping
2.2 Confusion between the Wicked American Society and the Innocent South-Sea Paradise
2.3 Confusion between the Benevolent Purpose and Malign Influence of Missionary
2.4 Impossibility in Choosing between the Two Cultures
2.5 Tragic Wonderers in Search of Destiny in Mardi
Chapter Three Causes of Melville's Confusion
3.1 Personal Factors
3.2 Social Factors
Chapter Four Conclusion
Works Cited