发布时间:2024-03-26 01:34
多丽丝·莱辛是当代世界上最重要的作家之一,以多产、风格独特多变和极富探索精神享誉文坛。莱辛于2007年荣获诺贝尔文学奖,是108年来诺贝尔文学奖获奖得主中第11位女性作家,也是年事最高的获奖者。 评论家们总认为很难将莱辛归类,因为她总在他们试图为她贴上某种标签时迅速转身,以新的见解去应对变化的世界。莱辛的作品形式多样、题材广泛,在其漫长的写作生涯中大胆涉足了许多20世纪最重要的意识潮流和社会问题。然而,作为一位极具社会情怀的作家,莱辛始终对人类的生存问题赋予极大关注。 莱辛在作品中不断探讨现代人在现代社会中面临的深刻的精神危机。她认为人类应该勇于直面生活,在日趋分裂的社会生活中努力寻找整一性,减少“既定规则”对自身的伤害。而异化和疯狂,作为这种努力趋于失败的悲惨后果,则反复出现在其作品之中。出版于1950年的处女作《野草在歌唱》是莱辛一部极具代表性的作品。小说描写了南非一个破败农场里女主人玛丽·特纳被黑人男仆摩西杀害的悲惨故事。评论家们普遍认为该小说第一次向西方读者毫不掩饰地展现种族隔离制度下南部非洲的社会现状,控诉了伪善的殖民统治。然而,莱辛本人却并不赞同此类评论。 出于对莱辛作品的...
【文章页数】:99 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief Account of Doris Lessing and her Major Works
1.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Doris Lessing
1.1.2 Doris Lessing's Major Works
1.1.3 Doris Lessing's Critical Reception
1.2 A Brief Account of R.D. Laing
1.2.1 R.D. Laing and his Theory
1.2.2 R.D. Laing's Critical Reception
1.3 The Purpose of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 International Studies on The Grass Is Singing
2.1.1 International Studies on the Themes and Characters
2.1.2 International Studies on the Aesthetics and Narrative Techniques of The Grass Is Singing
2.1.3 International Studies on the Theoretical Approaches of Interpreting The Grass Is Singing
2.1.4 Critical Comments
2.2 Domestic Studies on The Grass Is Singing
2.2.1 Domestic Studies on The Grass Is Singing from Different Perspectives
2.2.2 Domestic Studies on The Grass Is Singing from the Psychological Perspective
2.2.3 Critical Comments
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 R.D. Laing's Ideological Origins
3.1.1 Laing and Sigmund Freud
3.1.2 Laing and Existentialism
3.2 A General Survey of Laing's Theory on Schizophrenia
3.3 Major Inducements of Schizophrenia in Laing's Theory
3.3.1 External Factor: Society and Family
3.3.2 Internal Factors: "Ontological Insecurity"
3.3.3 Internal Factors: Split Self
Chapter Four Laing's Theory on Schizophrenia Embodied in The Grass Is Singing
4.1 Doris Lessing's The Grass Is Singing and R.D. Laing's Theory
4.1.1 Doris Lessing and R.D. Laing
4.1.2 A Brief Introduction to The Grass Is Singing Critical Reception The Title, the Tone, the Characters and the Plot Lessing's Response to the Reviews of The Grass Is Singing
4.2 Mary's Tragedy in The Grass Is Singing and R.D. Laing's Theory
4.2.1 Correspondences between the Inducements of Mary's Tragedy and Laing's theory External Factors of Mary's Tragedy: the Milieu External Factors of Mary's Tragedy: her Family
4.2.2 Resonances between the Internal Factors of Mary's Mental Breakdown and Laing's Theory on Schizophrenia Mary's Childhood, Adulthood, and her "Ontological Insecurity" Mary's Marriage and Split Self Mary's Antipathy towards the Native and Psychic Split Mary's Distorted Dreams and her Mental Breakdown
Chapter Five Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ Papers and Books Published during My Postgraduate Program
Appendix Ⅱ Certificate of Honor
【文章页数】:99 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 A Brief Account of Doris Lessing and her Major Works
1.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Doris Lessing
1.1.2 Doris Lessing's Major Works
1.1.3 Doris Lessing's Critical Reception
1.2 A Brief Account of R.D. Laing
1.2.1 R.D. Laing and his Theory
1.2.2 R.D. Laing's Critical Reception
1.3 The Purpose of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 International Studies on The Grass Is Singing
2.1.1 International Studies on the Themes and Characters
2.1.2 International Studies on the Aesthetics and Narrative Techniques of The Grass Is Singing
2.1.3 International Studies on the Theoretical Approaches of Interpreting The Grass Is Singing
2.1.4 Critical Comments
2.2 Domestic Studies on The Grass Is Singing
2.2.1 Domestic Studies on The Grass Is Singing from Different Perspectives
2.2.2 Domestic Studies on The Grass Is Singing from the Psychological Perspective
2.2.3 Critical Comments
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 R.D. Laing's Ideological Origins
3.1.1 Laing and Sigmund Freud
3.1.2 Laing and Existentialism
3.2 A General Survey of Laing's Theory on Schizophrenia
3.3 Major Inducements of Schizophrenia in Laing's Theory
3.3.1 External Factor: Society and Family
3.3.2 Internal Factors: "Ontological Insecurity"
3.3.3 Internal Factors: Split Self
Chapter Four Laing's Theory on Schizophrenia Embodied in The Grass Is Singing
4.1 Doris Lessing's The Grass Is Singing and R.D. Laing's Theory
4.1.1 Doris Lessing and R.D. Laing
4.1.2 A Brief Introduction to The Grass Is Singing Critical Reception The Title, the Tone, the Characters and the Plot Lessing's Response to the Reviews of The Grass Is Singing
4.2 Mary's Tragedy in The Grass Is Singing and R.D. Laing's Theory
4.2.1 Correspondences between the Inducements of Mary's Tragedy and Laing's theory External Factors of Mary's Tragedy: the Milieu External Factors of Mary's Tragedy: her Family
4.2.2 Resonances between the Internal Factors of Mary's Mental Breakdown and Laing's Theory on Schizophrenia Mary's Childhood, Adulthood, and her "Ontological Insecurity" Mary's Marriage and Split Self Mary's Antipathy towards the Native and Psychic Split Mary's Distorted Dreams and her Mental Breakdown
Chapter Five Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ Papers and Books Published during My Postgraduate Program
Appendix Ⅱ Certificate of Honor