发布时间:2024-04-13 05:49
作为一名具有深远影响的现代主义作家,威廉·福克纳(1897-1962)由于其对美国小说强有力和无可比拟的贡献而备受瞩目。福克纳一生创作了许多长篇小说和短篇小说,并且在写作手法上进行了实验性创新。许多学者和批评家对福克纳的长篇小说给予极大的关注,而许多短篇小说则成为了学术研究中的遗珠。《烧马棚》、《圣草馨香》、《熊》是福克纳中期创作的三部优秀短篇小说,标志着福克纳对旧南方未来出路的态度转变。本文将在现代主义的指导下分析三位青年主人公的成长历程,以期挖掘其隐喻所在。 本文第一章将会对福克纳和他的主要作品进行介绍。本章分为三部分。第一部分介绍福克纳的作为独特现代主义作家的生平经历和主要著作。第二部分是对三部短篇小说内容的简单介绍。第三部分介绍了本文的结构和布局。 第二章是有关文献综述。本章由四部分组成。第一部分是福克纳国外研究的文献综述。第二部分阐述了福克纳及其作品在中国的研究现状。第三部分特别介绍了三部短篇小说的研究现状。第四部分介绍福克纳与现代主义的关系。 第三章是论文的主体部分。这一章是系统分析三部短篇小说里主人公心理成长历程,本章将从四个方面展开。第一部分从视角的方面进行分析,可以看...
【文章页数】:77 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 An Introduction to William Faulkner and His Works
1.2 ABrief Introduction to the Three Stories
1.3 Thesis and Layout of the Paper
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Overseas Research Situation of Faulkner
2.2 Domestic Research Situation of Faulkner
2.3 Current Studies of the Three Stories
2.4 William Faulkner and Modernism
Chapter Three Analysis of Psychological Development in William Faulkner’s Bildungsroman Short Stories
3.1 Multiple Points of View
3.1.1 The Introduction of Perspective
3.1.2 Third Person Perspective in Barn Burning
3.1.3 First Person Perspective in An Odor of Verbena
3.2 Bildungsroman
3.2.1 The introduction of Bildungsroman
3.2.2 The Civil War
3.2.3 Psychological Painful Struggle in Barn Burning
3.2.4 Bayard’s Psychological Journey in An Odor of Verbena
3.2.5 Issac’s Two Epiphanies in The Bear
3.3 TheApplication of Symbolism in the Psychological Development
3.3.1 The Introduction of Symbolism
3.3.2 Verbena’s Conflicting Symbolic Meanings in An Odor of verbena
3.3.3 Bear’s Double Symbolic Meanings in The Bear
3.4 BiblicalAllusion
3.4.1 The Introduction ofArchetypal Theory
3.4.2 Isaac in The Bear and Moses in Bible
Chapter Four Modernist Theme of the Three Stories
4.1 Spiritual Crisis of Modern People
4.2 The Prospect for Modern People
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Main Findings
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study
【文章页数】:77 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 An Introduction to William Faulkner and His Works
1.2 ABrief Introduction to the Three Stories
1.3 Thesis and Layout of the Paper
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Overseas Research Situation of Faulkner
2.2 Domestic Research Situation of Faulkner
2.3 Current Studies of the Three Stories
2.4 William Faulkner and Modernism
Chapter Three Analysis of Psychological Development in William Faulkner’s Bildungsroman Short Stories
3.1 Multiple Points of View
3.1.1 The Introduction of Perspective
3.1.2 Third Person Perspective in Barn Burning
3.1.3 First Person Perspective in An Odor of Verbena
3.2 Bildungsroman
3.2.1 The introduction of Bildungsroman
3.2.2 The Civil War
3.2.3 Psychological Painful Struggle in Barn Burning
3.2.4 Bayard’s Psychological Journey in An Odor of Verbena
3.2.5 Issac’s Two Epiphanies in The Bear
3.3 TheApplication of Symbolism in the Psychological Development
3.3.1 The Introduction of Symbolism
3.3.2 Verbena’s Conflicting Symbolic Meanings in An Odor of verbena
3.3.3 Bear’s Double Symbolic Meanings in The Bear
3.4 BiblicalAllusion
3.4.1 The Introduction ofArchetypal Theory
3.4.2 Isaac in The Bear and Moses in Bible
Chapter Four Modernist Theme of the Three Stories
4.1 Spiritual Crisis of Modern People
4.2 The Prospect for Modern People
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Main Findings
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study