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血液学 在 畜牧与动物医学 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-19 02:46




















    Effect of Drug "8405" on Hematology Electrocardiograms of Farm Animals



    Hematology Changes on Experimental Lead Poisoning in Piglet



    Study on the changes of hematology and immunologic function in swines eperythrozoonosis



    1)Research of Anaplasm Marginale Rapid Diagnostic Kit 2)Study on the Changes of Clinic Signs, Hematology and Antibody of Theileriosis

    1)边缘无浆体快速诊断试剂盒的研制 2)羊泰勒虫临床症状、血液学以及抗体变化的研究




    Studies on the Effect of Gelemium Elegans Benth on Haematology and Immune Function of Animal



    Abdominal inject small white rat with the dosage 0.1,0.2,0.3ml/10g seven days,one time everyday,and check up the avoirdupois,haematology index and pathology variety.

    以每天分别应用 0 .1 ,0 .2 ,0 .3mL/ 1 0 g的剂量腹腔注射小白鼠 ,连续应用 7d ,并于第 3,5 ,7d时检查动物的体重、血液学指标以及病理学观察 .


    The study judged the effect of different ironsources in sow diet on preventing of anemia of piglet by daily gain, contents of tissue andorgan Fe and the parameters of haematology of piglet.



    This article included 4 experiments which were used to investigated the effect of Kuian-chun (one of quinoxaline- 1,4-dioxide derivative) on growth-promoting, feed consumption, reproductive endocrine, haematology and histology in rats.



    After killing the rats, the iron concentration in different tissues and organs and main parameters of haematology at 120 minutes were analyzed.




    Haematological and Histopathological Study of Dietary Nitrites Toxicosis on Meat-type Ducks



    Effects various ferrous sources on iron content in sow milk and haematological index in piglet serum



    Haematological Indexes and Pathological Observations of Piglets Eperythrozoonosis



    The infection rate of mice, rabbits and pigs descent to 5.2%, 7.1% and 1.6% respectively. The haematological index of the pigs confirmed the medicines can recover the pigs' physiological and biochemical index obviously after being treated. The physiological and biochemical index started to recover on the 3rd day after being treated and recovered to the normal extension on the 5th day basically.



    In this experiment, haematological indexes and pathological changes of pigs infected with Eperythrozoon were discussed.





    Study on the Blood Change of Ascites in Broiler Chickens



    Expression of apoptosis-related genes and blood index in lymphocytes in peripheral blood of dairy cows



    We demonstrated the effect of the gelsemium total alkaloids of on blood and immune function of three different doses (0.15mg/kg,0.30mg/kg,1.5mg/kg) on mice and dieted with three GEB power's contents(1.5%,3%,6%) on chicken . The results showed as follow:



    2. Blood test showed that the content of Alb、 TP、 ALP、 GOT、 GPT were reduced with the increase of T-2 toxin , that of LDH had no obvious change, and the other indexes increased with the increase of T-2 toxin.



    Studies on the blood and bone marrow pictures & cytochemical features were made in 16 male cats. The normal values are: RBC, 7. 3×1012/L; WBC, 13. 89×109/L;







In the part II, a summary of advances made in four branches includes nephrology, hematology, endocrinology and metabolism, rheumatology.


A review of one of the key problems of experimental hematology: the origin of hemopoietic stem cells in the development of vertebrates (amphibians, birds, and mammals).


The test spreads did not induce any adverse effects in blood clinical chemistry, hematology or decreases in serum concentrations of lipid soluble vitamins.


Laboratory findings including hematology and metabolic studies were normal.


Laboratory tests (hematology and liver enzymes) were repeated monthly.




After the outbreak of an endemy of HCV infections in the paediatric haematology and oncology wards, epidemiological analysis was performed for cancer children, health-care workers and controls.


Lowenberg (eds)., Textbook of malignant haematology


How mathematical models can interpret and predict experimental results in haematology


The use of mathematical models in haematology is shown by some examples concerning stem cell kinetics, erythropoiesis and thrombopoiesis.


In Nordamerika handelt es sich um die National Wilms Tumor Study Group (NWTSG) und in Europa um die Wilms Tumour Study Group der SIOP (Society of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology).




The possibility of implementation of this approach and its large-scale application in medical and genetic studies of congenital developmental pathologies and chromosomal diagnostics of haematological diseases has been discussed.


Genes of multidrug resistance in haematological malignancies


The development of refractory disease in haematological malignancies is frequently associated with the expression of one or several multidrug resistance (MDR) genes.


This review focuses on molecular mechanism of drug resistance in haematological malignancies with emphasis on molecules involved in MDR.


The chronic toxicity of the alcoholic extract of the seeds was determined in term of its haematological and symptomatical effects on mice upon intraperitoneal injection for a period of two months.



A histopathologic study of bovine leukemia was carried out in 15 cows, of which 10 were haematologically positive and 5 were suspected according to Bendixens key. Macroscopic tumors were found at 88 locations in 11 eases——positive-8, suspected-3. The abomasum was the most susceptible organ (5/11),and the next were the uterus and the omenta (3/11).12 cases were diagnosed as lymphosarcomas by histopathologic examination, including 1 case without any macroscopic neoplastic change. Lymphoid neoplastic cells were...

A histopathologic study of bovine leukemia was carried out in 15 cows, of which 10 were haematologically positive and 5 were suspected according to Bendixens key. Macroscopic tumors were found at 88 locations in 11 eases——positive-8, suspected-3. The abomasum was the most susceptible organ (5/11),and the next were the uterus and the omenta (3/11).12 cases were diagnosed as lymphosarcomas by histopathologic examination, including 1 case without any macroscopic neoplastic change. Lymphoid neoplastic cells were found widespread in various organs, including the spinal cord,kidney, spleen, liver, intestine, heart and lung, although some of these organs might be normal in appearance.The tumors were divided into two kinds: encapsulated and non-encapsulated. Lymphoid cell infiltration was found in or under the capsule of the encapsulated tumor with a necrotic centre.The lymphosarcoma was composed of premature lymphocytes at different stages of differentiation. Generally, neoplastic cells were of two types: one was small lymphoid cells resembling lymphocytes, and the other larger, resemblingBlood lymphocytes were examined under an electronic microscope and the chromosmes of the lymphocytes were demonstrated in 1 case.

15例成年奶牛按丹麦Bendixen氏检索表血液学检查结果:白血病阳性牛10例,可疑牛15例。11例(阳性—8,可疑—3)在33个部位发见眼观肿瘤。以真胃最多见(5/11),其次为子宫,网膜(3/11)。 对15例进行病理组织学检查,其中12例可诊断为淋巴肉瘤,包括一例肉眼未见肿瘤变化,而血像检查为阳性牛。淋巴样肿瘤细胞广泛地分布,在眼观未见肿瘤的器官,如脊髓、肾、脾、肝、小肠、心、肺等都可发现有不同程度的瘤细胞浸润和增生。 肿瘤由分化程度不等的未成熟淋巴细胞构成,可分为有包膜型和无包膜型两类。有包膜肿瘤中心坏死,在包膜中和包膜下可见到淋巴样瘤细胞浸润。 构成肿瘤的细胞类型可分为两种:一种貌似小淋巴细胞;另一种较大,似成淋巴细胞。 电镜观察病牛血液淋巴细胞,并做1例病牛血液淋巴细胞的染色体检查。

In this research work the sick animalswith A. H. S. were examined haematologically. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate of the sick horse with A. H. S. increased apparently in the period of high fever and apparently symptoms. In the period of high fever the number of the ensinophilic leucocyte in the blood of the sick horse with A, H. S. decreased, and then increased a little after the fever, but was still less than the value before inoculation. When A. H. S. occurs there is no appearence of the sidercyte in...

In this research work the sick animalswith A. H. S. were examined haematologically. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate of the sick horse with A. H. S. increased apparently in the period of high fever and apparently symptoms. In the period of high fever the number of the ensinophilic leucocyte in the blood of the sick horse with A, H. S. decreased, and then increased a little after the fever, but was still less than the value before inoculation. When A. H. S. occurs there is no appearence of the sidercyte in the blood. The number of the erythrocyte and the content of hemoglobin in the blood of the sick horse were not found changed, but the neutrophic leucocyte in the blood shifted to the left. In the qualitative test of tae serobilirubin in the blood of the sick horse the direct slow reaction appeared and the indirect reaction was enforced. The osmotic fragility of the erythrocyte increased slightly when the sick horse was in the period of high fever.


The present paper presents the results of the study on the haematological changes in 34 cases of Leucocytozoon caulleryi infection in chickens.The results obtained are summed up as follows:1 . All the blood samples examined were taken from chicekens of different stages of Leucocyto zoon caulleryi infection, and of the 34 cases 21 were found to be of schizont stage and 31 gametocyte stage.2.Haemoglobin estimation-Eight cases were below 20%, 10 cases 21-30%, 12cases 30-40%, 3 cases 45-50% and only one case was...

The present paper presents the results of the study on the haematological changes in 34 cases of Leucocytozoon caulleryi infection in chickens.The results obtained are summed up as follows:1 . All the blood samples examined were taken from chicekens of different stages of Leucocyto zoon caulleryi infection, and of the 34 cases 21 were found to be of schizont stage and 31 gametocyte stage.2.Haemoglobin estimation-Eight cases were below 20%, 10 cases 21-30%, 12cases 30-40%, 3 cases 45-50% and only one case was 51%.3.Erythrocytes-s for red cell counts, 7 cases were 540,000-910,000/mm3 , 19cases 1,000,000-2,000 , 000/mm3 and 8 cases 2,100,000-3,000,000/mm3. Morphological alternations in the red cell picture showed that the majority of red cells retained their basop-hilia and appeared to be polychromatophilic and round-shaped. Neuclei were loose in structure and were reticular in appearance,the cells containing very little cytoplasm.peripheral erythropoietic red cells increased evidently.4 . Leucocytes-Total leucocyte countings revealed that 8 cases ranged 11000-20000/mm3 6 cases 31, 000-40, 000/mm3, 6 cases 41,000-50, 000/mm3 , 4 cases51, 000-60, 000/mm3 and 4 cases 83,000-108,000/mm3. No regular pattern of changes in the leucocyte picture was found in differential leucocyte counts.5. Thrombocytes--In platelet counts, 5 cases were below 10,000/mm3, 11 cases11,000-20,000/mm3,8 cases 21,000-30,000/mm3, and 2 cases 31,000-40,000/mm3. Morphologically, they were in general enlarged in size and tended to be round-shaped. Some of them were nearly normal in size, but their nuclei were loose in structure,A brief discussion based on current literature on the haematological changes was also made in this paper.

本文报道鸡卡氏白细胞原虫病34例的血液变化。白细胞分类及形态学观察:1.由于鸡的发病时期先后不同,34例中发现裂殖子期的鸡占21只,配子体期的占13只。2.血红蛋白在20%以下的占8只,21~30%的占10只,30~40%的占12只,41~50%的占3只,51%的占1只,3.红细胞每立方毫米有54~91万个的占7只,100~200万个的占19只,200~300万个的占8只,红细胞形态多数呈嗜碱性、多染性、圆形、核疏松呈网状,细胞浆甚少,无性系细胞明显增多;4.白细胞每立方毫米有1.1~2万个的占8只,3.1~4万个的占6只,4.1~5万个的占6只,5.1~6万个的占4只,8.3~10.8万个的占4只,分类尚未发现有规律性变化;5.血小板在1万个以下的占5只,1.1~2万个的占11只,2.1~3万个的占8只,3.1~4万个的占2只,血小板一般体积增大,偏向园形,有些体积接近正常,但核肿大,结构疏松。 本文并结合现代文献资料对血液学的变化进行了讨论。


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