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发布时间:2018-06-15 06:42

  本文选题:心理性应激 + 皮肤c-Fos ; 参考:《中国医科大学》2005年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究背景 应激(stress)指机体在受到各种应激原(stressor)刺激时,所出现的一系列神经内分泌反应,以及由此而引起的各种机能和代谢的改变。应激包含3个要素,即应激原、应激和适应性反应(adaptive response)。其中,适应性反应是问题的关键,因为该要素涵盖了机体应激的介入因素、机制和最终结果。能够引起应激反应的应激原很多,可以是冷、热、低血糖、电击等单一的应激原,也可以是水浸束缚、寒冷束缚等复合应激原。目前,一般将应激全划分为3个时期:首先是警觉期(alarm stage),该期迅速出现,持续时间短;第二是抵抗期(resistance stage),即机体的适应阶段,适应的结果是机体反应敏感器官或系统的改变,如肾上腺的增大,胸腺的萎缩,血糖浓度及血象的改变等等,此期持续时间长,是应激的主要表现过程;最后是衰竭期(exhaustion stage),当应激原刺激强度大或(和)作用时间长的情况下可诱发此期。显然,应激反应的最早表现主要体现在机体的内分泌和免疫系统,是一种全身性的适应性反应,神经系统、内分泌系统和免疫系统调节着机体的应激反应过程,下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴(HPA)的激活和交感-肾上腺髓质系统(SA)的兴奋是应激反应中的主要结构功能系统,从而引起后继一系列复杂的行为、生理和心理变化。躯体性应激(Physical stress)反应就是通过这些途径诱发身体器官的生理、病理变化,而心理因素的应激反应途径则较为复杂。但有研究表明,心理性应激(Psychological stress)同样可能引起脑部、脊髓等组织器官中,免疫相关因子和受体的表达水平的改变,其效应类同于躯体性应激的结果。 皮肤细胞有能力行使与神经细胞相类似的性能,如表达神经元或Schwann细胞或神经递质受体的标记,并产生神经介质。皮肤神经介质的数量变化取决于个体,疾病及部位。皮肤神经介质的浓度范围从0.1-5.5pmol/g组织,这种浓度悬殊随神经在皮肤中的分布而定。皮肤神经介质
[Abstract]:Background stress refers to a series of neuroendocrine responses that occur when the body is stimulated by various stressors. And the resulting changes in function and metabolism. Stress consists of three elements, I. e., stressor, stress and adaptive response. Adaptive response is the key to the problem, because it covers the intervention factors, mechanisms and final results of stress. There are many stressors which can cause stress reaction, such as cold, heat, hypoglycemia, electric shock and so on. At present, stress is generally divided into three periods: the first is alarm stage, which appears quickly and lasts for a short time; the second is resistance stage, that is, the adaptation stage of the body, the result of which is the change of the body's sensitive organ or system. If the adrenal gland increases, the thymus atrophy, the blood sugar concentration and the blood picture change and so on, this period lasts for a long time, is the main manifestation process of stress; Finally, the stage of exhaustion can be induced when the intensity of stressor stimulation is high or the time of exposure is long. Obviously, the earliest manifestation of stress response mainly lies in the body's endocrine and immune system, which is a systemic adaptive response. The nervous system, endocrine system and immune system regulate the body's stress response process. The activation of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex (HPA) and the excitation of sympathetic adrenomedullary system (SAA) are the main structural and functional systems in stress response, resulting in a series of complex behavioral, physiological and psychological changes. Physical stress response induces physiological and pathological changes of body organs through these pathways, while the stress response pathway of psychological factors is more complex. However, some studies have shown that psychological stress may also cause changes in the expression levels of immune-related factors and receptors in the brain, spinal cord and other tissues and organs, and the effects are similar to those of somatic stress. Skin cells have the ability to perform properties similar to those of nerve cells, such as the labeling of neurons or Schwann cells or neurotransmitter receptors, and the production of neurotransmitters. The number of neurotransmitters in the skin varies depending on the individual, disease, and location. The concentration range of skin neurotransmitters is from 0.1-5.5pmol/g tissue, and this concentration varies with the distribution of nerve in the skin. Skin neurotransmitte


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