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发布时间:2018-06-15 15:33

  本文选题:医学生 + 家庭因素 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 目的: 了解兰州某大学医学新生心理健康、自尊和应对方式的情况,并进一步探讨家庭内、外环境因素对医学新生心理健康、自尊水平和应对方式的影响及作用大小,为心理健康教育指导提供依据,也为学校心理咨询工作开辟新的途径。 方法: 采用症状自评量表、家庭环境量表、父母教养方式评价量表、简易应对方式量表和自尊量表对655名兰州某大学2005级医学新生进行问卷调查,应用SPSS11.0统计软件进行处理。所采用实证检验分析主要有五种方法:描述分析法、t检验、直线相关、多元线性回归分析法和因子分析等统计学方法。 结论: 1、兰州某大学2005级医学新生的总体心理健康状况并不乐观,,尤其在强迫症状、人际敏感、恐怖和精神病性4个方面显著差于大学生样本。 2、影响医学新生心理健康的家庭内环境因素主要有父母亲严厉否认、家庭活跃性、家庭和谐性、家庭氛围、父母偏爱和家庭独立性。家庭外环境因素中的是否独生子女;家庭内环境因素中的父母亲严厉否认、家庭活跃性、家庭和谐性、家庭氛围、父母偏爱和家庭独立性对医学新生心理健康有显著的预测作用。其中是否独生因子既可以对心理健康产生直接的影响,又可以通过对家庭和谐性和家庭独立性的作用而影响医学新生的心理健康。 3、影响医学新生积极应对方式的家庭内环境因素是家庭秩序性、家庭活跃性、家庭和谐性、家庭氛围和母亲严厉否认;家庭外环境因素主要是父亲文化。其中父亲文化既对医学新生的积极应对方是有直接影响,又可通过家庭和谐性、家庭活跃性和母亲严厉否认间接影响医学新生的积极应对方式。对于消极应对方式,影响其的家庭内环境因素是母亲严厉否认、家庭和谐性、家庭氛围、家庭活跃性和家庭秩序性;外环境因素是父亲职业,但外环境因素对内环境因素没有显著影响。 4、影响医学新生自尊水平的家庭内环境因素是家庭和谐性、家庭活跃性、母亲严厉否认、家庭独立性、家庭秩序性和家庭氛围;外环境因素是是否独生、母亲文化和母亲职业,而且是否独生又可作用于家庭和谐性,母亲文化可以作用于家庭活跃性和母亲严厉否认,母亲职业可以作用于母亲严厉否认和家庭秩序性。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the mental health, self-esteem and coping style of medical freshmen in a university in Lanzhou, and to explore the effects of family and external environmental factors on mental health of medical freshmen. The influence and effect of self-esteem and coping style provide the basis for the guidance of mental health education, and also open up a new way for school psychological counseling. Methods: symptom Checklist, Family Environment scale and Parental rearing style scale were used. The simple coping style scale and Self-esteem scale were used to investigate 655 medical freshmen of grade 2005 in Lanzhou University. SPSS 11.0 statistical software was used to process the questionnaire. There are five main methods used in empirical analysis: descriptive analysis, linear correlation, multivariate linear regression analysis and factor analysis. Conclusion: 1. The overall mental health status of the medical freshmen of 2005 in Lanzhou University is not optimistic, especially in obsessive-compulsive symptoms and interpersonal sensitivity. Phobia and psychosis were significantly inferior to college students' samples. 2. The main factors affecting the mental health of medical freshmen were severe parental denial and family activity. Family harmony, family atmosphere, parental preference and family independence. Whether the only child is one of the factors outside the family environment; the parents in the family environment factors severely deny that the family is active, harmonious, family atmosphere, Parental preference and family independence have significant predictive effects on mental health of medical freshmen. Whether the single factor has a direct effect on mental health, It can also affect the mental health of medical freshmen through the function of family harmony and family independence. 3. It also affects the positive coping style of medical freshmen within the family Environmental factors are family order, Family activity, family harmony, family atmosphere and mother's strict denial; The father culture not only has direct influence on the positive response of medical freshmen, but also can influence the positive coping style of medical freshmen indirectly through family harmony, family activity and mother's strict denial. For the negative coping style, the factors affecting the family environment are the mother's strict denial, family harmony, family atmosphere, family activity and family order, while the external environmental factors are father's occupation. However, the external environmental factors have no significant effect on the internal environmental factors. 4. The factors affecting the self-esteem of medical freshmen are family harmony and family activity. Mothers strongly deny that family independence, family order and family atmosphere; whether external environmental factors are unique, mother's culture and mother's occupation, and whether the only child can play a role in family harmony, Mother's culture can affect family activity and mother's strict denial, and mother's occupation can act on mother's strict denial and family order.


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1 郭建康;李晶;;高等师范学校新生心理健康状况调查[J];社会心理科学;2010年01期

2 陈翠玲;冯莉;王大华;李春花;;成年独生子女自尊水平和主观幸福感的特点及二者间的关系[J];心理发展与教育;2008年03期

3 曾美英;晏宁;于红军;卢丹蕾;;家庭因素对大学生心理健康的影响研究[J];心理科学;2008年03期

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