[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the effect of psychological stress on serum iron concentration in young SD rats and adult SD rats, and to explore the possible mechanism of psychological stress affecting serum iron concentration in order to provide experimental evidence for clarifying the relationship between stress and iron-related diseases. Methods: the rat model of psychological stress was established by Communication Box, the concentration of iron in serum was detected by atomic absorption spectrometry, the expression of iron in liver and spleen was detected by Western Blot, the concentration of nitric oxide in serum was detected by nitrate reductase method. Results: (1) compared with the control group, the serum iron concentration of the young SD rats decreased 26.77% and 37.01% respectively on the 7th and 14th day after psychological stress, and the serum iron concentration of the adult SD rats decreased 13.33% and 20.07% respectively (P0.05); (2) compared with the control group on the 7th and 14th day after psychological stress. Compared with the control group, serum iron decreased by 20.72% (P0.05) on the 7th day, but there was no significant difference between the young SD rats and the control group on the 14th day. The changes of serum iron in adult Sprague-Dawley rats after 7 days were not significantly different from those in the control group. (3) the liver and spleen iron content in the psychological stress group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P0.05), and the liver of the young rats was significantly higher than that of the control group. The iron content of spleen and spleen increased by 25.17% and 16.61%, and the iron content of liver and spleen increased by 10.38% and 14.18% respectively, and the expression of iron modulin in liver tissue was increased, but the change of serum nitric oxide concentration was not significantly different from that of the control group. Conclusion Psychological stress can significantly decrease serum iron concentration in young and adult SD rats. The decrease of serum iron concentration in 14 days of stress is greater than that in 7 days of stress. The serum iron concentration of young SD rats and adult SD rats could gradually return to normal, but the recovery time of young SD rats was longer than that of adult SD rats. The increase of iron content in spleen may be one of the reasons that lead to the decrease of serum iron in psychological stress rats, and the reason why the concentration of serum nitric oxide does not change obviously in this experiment needs further study.
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