[Abstract]:Cysticercosis caused by cysticercosis is a zoonotic disease that can cause great harm. Cysticercaria can survive in the host for several years, but there is only a slight inflammatory response around the surviving cysticercus. This phenomenon suggests that survival cysticercaria may maintain the balance between host and parasite through some mechanism. Annexin B1 is isolated from pig sac tail by immune screening method by Sun Shuhan et al. A new gene isolated from cDNA library, It has been confirmed that it belongs to the annexin family. Annexin protein family is a group of similar structural Ca2 dependent phospholipid binding proteins, which exists in most eukaryotic cells and is rich in content. Annexin B1 is the first member of annexin family identified in (platyhelminth) of phylum oblate. Studying its physiological function can not only understand the parasitism, migration and growth of annexin B1 to cysticercus cellulosae. The significance of life activities such as development provides new drug targets for the treatment and prevention of these diseases and can be used to study the physiological functions and molecular evolution of annexin in different organisms. So then I constructed the prokaryotic expression vector of annexin B1, expressed and purified the protein. Because of the immunohistochemical section of the infected pig muscle, it was found that the content of integrin B1 in the tissue with strong inflammatory reaction was significantly higher than that in the other tissues. These results suggest that annexin B1 has anti-inflammatory activity and may be secreted out of cells by some mechanism, so I have done anti-inflammatory activity and eukaryotic localization of annexin B1. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. Firstly, we constructed a non-fusion expression vector of annexin B1, which was highly expressed in Escherichia coli. The purification scheme was optimized by using the calcium dependent phospholipid binding activity of annexin. A simple and effective purification method was established for all members of annexin family. The purity of the protein was more than 95%, which laid a good foundation for further functional study. 2. In order to study the anti-inflammatory activity of annexinB1, we examine whether it inhibits cPLA2 activity by interfacial competition mechanism. Free fatty acid probe (ADIFAB) was used to detect the activity of cPLA2 and liposome was used as phospholipid substrate to detect the effect of annexin B1 on the activity of cPLA2. The results showed that annexinB1 could inhibit the activity of cPLA2, which depended on the appropriate substrate type and calcium concentration. The hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine liposomes could not be inhibited by annexinB1, but the hydrolysis of phosphatidylserine liposomes could be inhibited by annexin B1. The inhibitory effect is dependent on calcium ion. When calcium ion is below 10 ~ (-3), the inhibitory effect is not obvious, which accords with the mechanism of interfacial competition. Therefore, we infer that annexin B1 can inhibit the activity of cPLA2 by the mechanism of interfacial competition in vitro and has anti-inflammatory function.
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