Liver disease is harmful to human health. The mortality rate of liver failure, severe hepatitis and liver cancer is 65%-85%. Although orthotopic liver transplantation can alleviate the disease to a certain extent and help patients through the dangerous period, due to the lack of liver organs, immune rejection after surgery and huge surgical costs, etc. This treatment can not be widely applied.
Engineering Liver Regeneration (ELR) is a new and high-tech subject emerging in recent years. It is produced by the interdisciplinary of biology, medicine, materials science, biomedical engineering and so on. The ultimate goal is to repair and replace the damaged liver tissue permanently, thus completely curing the liver disease. This is the liver. Liver tissue engineering research includes three parts: seed cell research, extracellular matrix research and tissue organ construction. Seed cell selection is the basis of all research. With the development of stem cell research, stem cells as seed cells become more and more important. There are two main types of stem cells in bone marrow: hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Mesenchymal stem cells MSCs have been shown to differentiate into osteoblasts [1], chondroblasts [2], adipocytes [3], muscle cells [4], neurons [5] under different conditions in vitro, because of their high self-renewal capacity.
It will be an ideal seed cell for liver tissue engineering because of its strength, multidirectional differentiation potential, convenience of sampling and poor response after autologous implantation.
At present, MSCs have been extensively studied in repairing bone, cartilage, and tendon injuries. However, the conditions and mechanisms of inducing differentiation into hepatocytes in vitro are just beginning, and a series of difficulties are confronted: how to simulate the microenvironment in vivo to make bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into hepatocytes; how to improve the efficiency of inducing differentiation; Complete amplification system.
research objective
To investigate whether MSCs has potential to differentiate into functional hepatocytes in vitro.
Methods and results
In the first part of this experiment, MSCs were isolated, cultured and identified. MSCs of the third generation were obtained by density gradient separation of the extracted bone marrow with a certain density of Percoll. 1.073g/ml density gradient centrifugation combined with adherence method. The effect of different serum concentration and planting density on the cell growth in vitro was observed. The growth curve was observed and the cell surface antigen was detected by flow cytometry. CD31, the endothelial cell surface marker, did not express the leukocyte surface marker D45; CD34, the hematopoietic stem cell surface marker, did not express the hematopoietic stem cell surface marker CD34.
The second part of this study was to investigate whether MSCs have the potential to differentiate into hepatocytes. The third generation bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were digested with 0.25% trypsin. Trypan blue exclusion test showed that the cell viability was more than 95%. The cells were planted in 24-hole and 6-hole plates at a density of 1 105/mm for about 7-12 days. The cells were covered with the bottom of the plate. MSCs were induced by HGF combined with EGF. After the induction factors were added to each group, the division and proliferation of MSCs stopped gradually, and a few cells began to undergo morphological changes. The polarity of spindle cells began to shrink, and the cells began to circle by spindle. There was no obvious change in the cells of the two groups within 48 hours, but some cells became round after 72 hours. After 10 days of induction, the cells in each group showed "aggregation" phenomenon.
相关期刊论文 前10条
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