发布时间:2018-08-26 13:58
【摘要】:本研究采用横断研究来探讨预防医学工作者的工作压力源、工作相关的社会支持、应对方式如何影响其心身健康。论文主要包括三部分:一.文献综述,二.自编了工作压力问卷、应对问卷和社会支持问卷,问卷的质量分析符合心理测量学要求。三.使用CMI、CES-D、STAI(Form Y-I)三个心身健康量表和自编的工作压力问卷、应对问卷、社会支持问卷对上海市、区疾控中心,地段医院,昆明市市疾控中心的预防医学工作者共185名进行测试。测试结果采用SPSS11.5软件和LISREL8.50软件进行结构方程模型分析。结果显示:1.删除参数估计值较小的家人朋友支持、工作对象支持变量,得到修正模型M1,M1的拟合指数均达到统计学要求,数据拟合良好;2.工作压力源与消极应对、心身健康问题有关,工作压力源可以预测心身健康问题(躯体症状、抑郁与焦虑);工作压力源对心身健康问题有显著间接效应,消极应对在工作压力源与心身健康问题之间起部分中介作用;3.领导同事支持与积极应对、心身健康相关显著,,积极应对在领导同事支持与心身健康之间无中介作用;4.工作压力源与积极应对、工作相关的社会支持无关。
[Abstract]:A crosscutting study was conducted to explore how preventive medicine workers' mental and physical health are affected by work stressors, job-related social support and coping styles. This paper mainly includes three parts: 1. Literature review, 2. Self-compiled job stress questionnaire, coping questionnaire and social support questionnaire, the quality analysis of the questionnaire meets the requirements of psychometrics. 3. Using CMI,CES-D,STAI (Form Y-I) three psychosomatic health scale and self-made work stress questionnaire, the questionnaire of coping and social support was used to test 185 preventive medicine workers in Shanghai, District CDC, District Hospital and Kunming CDC. The test results are analyzed by SPSS11.5 and LISREL8.50 software. The results showed that: 1.Delete the support of family and friends with small parameter estimate, work object support variable, get the fitting index of modified model M1M1 up to the statistical requirement, and fit the data well. 2. Work stressors and negative coping, Work stressors can predict psychosomatic health problems (physical symptoms, depression and anxiety), and work stressors have significant indirect effects on psychosomatic health problems. Negative coping plays a part of intermediary role between work stressors and psychosomatic health problems. 3. Leadership colleagues support and positive coping, mental and physical health is significantly related to positive coping, and positive coping has no intermediary role between leadership colleagues support and psychosomatic health. 4. Job stressors have nothing to do with positive coping and job-related social support.
[Abstract]:A crosscutting study was conducted to explore how preventive medicine workers' mental and physical health are affected by work stressors, job-related social support and coping styles. This paper mainly includes three parts: 1. Literature review, 2. Self-compiled job stress questionnaire, coping questionnaire and social support questionnaire, the quality analysis of the questionnaire meets the requirements of psychometrics. 3. Using CMI,CES-D,STAI (Form Y-I) three psychosomatic health scale and self-made work stress questionnaire, the questionnaire of coping and social support was used to test 185 preventive medicine workers in Shanghai, District CDC, District Hospital and Kunming CDC. The test results are analyzed by SPSS11.5 and LISREL8.50 software. The results showed that: 1.Delete the support of family and friends with small parameter estimate, work object support variable, get the fitting index of modified model M1M1 up to the statistical requirement, and fit the data well. 2. Work stressors and negative coping, Work stressors can predict psychosomatic health problems (physical symptoms, depression and anxiety), and work stressors have significant indirect effects on psychosomatic health problems. Negative coping plays a part of intermediary role between work stressors and psychosomatic health problems. 3. Leadership colleagues support and positive coping, mental and physical health is significantly related to positive coping, and positive coping has no intermediary role between leadership colleagues support and psychosomatic health. 4. Job stressors have nothing to do with positive coping and job-related social support.
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