第一部分:人类肠道病毒分子生物学分型鉴定方法的建立及应用 第二部分:乙型肝炎病毒多表位抗原酵母表达质粒的构建
[Abstract]:Human enterovirus (HEV) is a genus of small ribonucleic acid viridae. There are 91 types of HEV reported in the literature, which are divided into five groups: poliovirus, Coxsackie A group B virus, Echo virus and new enterovirus group. The infection of human enterovirus is mostly manifested as recessive infection or mild symptoms, but it can also cause aseptic meningitis, flaccid paralysis, acute myocarditis, hand, foot and mouth disease and other serious diseases. Serological methods such as virus isolation combined with neutralization test and so on are used in routine HEV identification. Because of the variety of serotypes of HEV serological typing is time-consuming and laborious. The purpose of this study was to establish a molecular biological typing method for the identification of human enterovirus. According to the nucleotide sequence and literature data of other enterovirus-like genes, one pair of HEV species-specific primers "EV1/EV2" and five pairs of primers "P1/P2", "P1/P3", "P4/P7", "P5/P7" and "P6/P7" were synthesized respectively. Virus RNA, was extracted by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification of virus cDNA, by agarose gel electrophoresis and nucleotide sequence analysis the molecular biological typing method of human enterovirus was established. Eighteen suspected HEV strains were identified by this method and verified with serum neutralization test. The results showed that 17 of them were human enterovirus by species-specific primer identification, 4 of them were identified by type-specific primers, 4 of them were type B3 of Coxsackievirus A24 and 4 of them were type B3 of Coxsackievirus B _ (2) A _ (9) A _ (15). The results of microneutralization test were in good agreement with the results of molecular biological typing. In this experiment, six pairs of primers for HEV identification and typing were used to unify the PCR amplification system and amplification conditions of all primers, which could significantly save the time of pathogen detection. At the same time, the possible genetic variation of the epidemic strain can be determined. Compared with the traditional virus isolation and serological identification and typing method, it has the advantages of high specificity, high sensitivity, rapid and simple, and so on. Human enterovirus infection can be directly identified and typed. It is suitable for laboratory diagnosis and epidemiological study of human enterovirus infection.
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