[Abstract]:Preface atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis,AS) has been considered as a chronic progressive lipid deposition disease of vascular wall. In recent years, studies have gradually clarified the important role of inflammation in the pathological process of AS. It is believed that inflammation can lead to unstable plaque formation, even plaque rupture, acute coronary syndrome (acute coronary syndrome,ACS) and other serious clinical complications. One of the most important characteristics of unstable plaque is angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the process of forming new blood vessels by budding of existing blood vessels, which can be seen in many physiological and pathological conditions and has extensive biological and clinical significance. The process of angiogenesis is very complicated and is regulated by both angiogenic factors and inhibiting angiogenic factors. The neovascularization in plaque can promote plaque growth as more plasma lipoproteins enter the plaque channel. More importantly, through neovascularization, a large number of inflammatory cells in the blood flow into the plaque, producing a variety of inflammatory factors, cytokines and growth factors, thereby exacerbating the inflammatory response. Moreover, the neovascularization itself has no smooth muscle and pericyte support, and the wall of the vessel is weak, which can easily lead to plaque instability, plaque hemorrhage and even plaque rupture. At present, there are few studies on the effect of inflammatory granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor,GM-CSF) on angiogenesis. Therefore, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (human umbilical vein endothelial cells,HUVECs) were cultured in vitro and Matrigel was used to establish a stable angiogenic culture system in vitro. To investigate the effect of inflammatory factor GM-CSF on the angiogenesis of human vascular endothelial cells and the effect of vascular endothelial growth factor (vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF), and to explore the relationship between GM-CSF and VEGF and the stability of AS plaque and the progression of AS. Methods the improved Jaffe's culture method was used to culture HUVECs, and Matrigel was used to induce endothelial cells to form lumen structure, so as to establish a stable culture system of angiogenesis in vitro. And then apply the solid
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