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发布时间:2018-09-10 13:04
【摘要】: 目的 近几年兴起的针对膝关节损伤的数字化虚拟研究很多,人体膝关节的三维重建是这些研究的基础。但由于膝关节结构的复杂性以及影像技术的限制,这些三维重建往往只重建了膝关节的骨结构。本研究将结合膝关节的CT、MRI图像,利用三维重建技术及图像配准技术,构建膝关节的骨、半月板、前/后交叉韧带、关节软骨,为开展膝关节的数字医学研究进行有关模型构建及应用等方面的探索。 临床膝关节手术中要求尽可能保护局部血液循环,以避免局部骨坏死的出现。由于膝关节局部血供复杂,传统影像学检查无法观察血管,血管造影可以较好显示局部血管走行,但其质量受造影剂流动速度控制、图像分割处理技术等影响。为克服以上不足,本研究将进行动脉造影灌注后行CT扫描,重建膝关节骨与血管,旨在准确、完整地显示膝关节动脉的走行与分布,为膝关节外科及解剖的教学、科研提供一种清楚、准确、有价值的显像手段。 人体解剖学是一门形态科学,目前基于二维图像的教学方法教学难度很大。随着计算机图形图像技术的不断完善以及虚拟人研究的不断进展,已出现多种图像的三维重建方法,但目前大多数三维图像的显示都需要专业软件,价格昂贵且存在知识产权问题,无法用于三维解剖图谱的普及与推广应用。本研究将利用先进的VRML语言,编写相关的程序,建立基于web的膝关节三维浏览网页,为完成三维解剖图谱奠定基础。 尽管膝关节的稳定性测试目前已应用于膝关节运动功能的评价,但由于膝关节的离体标本研究无法模拟膝关节的真实运动,而在体的运动测试又无法获得骨结构的运动信息,因而不能得到准确的膝关节稳定性数据,也就无法对膝关节微损伤的早期诊断及防治措施进行深入的研究。本研究将利用图像三维重建、2D/3D图像配准技术以及图像处理技术探讨建立膝关节在体稳定性评价系统的可行性。 逆向工程是是基于一个已获得的实物模型来构造出CAD模型,并通过调整相关参数来达到对实物模型的逼近、修改和完善,进而将这些CAD模型用于产品的分析和制造。基于利用三维激光扫描仪开展的逆向工程测量精度高的优点,本研究将探讨在离体状态下利用逆向工程技术开展膝关节运动还原的方法,并对利用激光三维扫描仪的逆向工程运动还原方法的测试精度进行标定。 应用计算机三维重建技术、2D/3D图像配准技术及图像处理技术构建了膝关节在体稳定性测试系统。本研究将以逆向工程运动还原方法为对照,研究膝关节在体稳定性测试系统的精度。 材料与方法 人体成年新鲜膝关节标本1例,进行CT扫描共387层,层厚为0.299mm,随后进行MRI扫描,共64层,层厚为1.497mm,利用三维重建软件Mimics及逆向工程软件Geomagic对图像进行三维重建及图像配准,构建膝关节骨、软骨、韧带及半月板等结构。 新鲜成人完整下肢标本1例,用填充剂配成合适浓度,对标本的动脉进行灌注。随后进行CT扫描,层厚0.499mm,取膝关节部分共671层用于本研究。采用Mimic进行膝关节骨及血管等结构的三维重建,分别采用Mimics和3ds max进行动脉的透明化显示及效果比较。 采用BS Contact VRML 6.1和Vrmlpad作为VRML显示插件及程序编辑软件,将已三维重建膝关节各部分结构转为wrl文件,并进行VRML编程及网页制作。 对健康成年志愿者膝关节进行CT扫描,采集志愿者保持某一姿势时互成直角的正侧位X线平片,进行膝关节CT图像的三维重建,并在软件中建立虚拟X线放射系统再现2张互成直角的X线平片,采用2D/3D图像配准还原摄平片时膝关节的位置,计算两种位置之间的相对位移及角度变化。 人体膝关节标本上、下端包埋后由激光三维扫描仪采集包埋块的位置信息,通过Geomagic软件进行膝关节的位置还原,并将标志物固定于精度可达0.01mm及0.01°的KOHZU精密测试平台上,由激光三维扫描仪采集标志物的运动信息,通过软件计算其运动参数,检测逆向工程运动还原方法的测试精度。 人体膝关节标本3例,利用G型臂X线机获得正侧位X线片,同时利用激光三维扫描仪扫描包埋块的三维点云信息,每个标本采集2次任意角度的正侧位X线片和包埋块的三维点云信息。采用虚拟X线放射系统和逆向工程运动还原方法分别进行位置还原,将还原出来的位置分别计算与CT图像构建的膝关节模型的相对运动,并进行配对样本T检验。对由虚拟X线放射系统和逆向工程技术系统导出膝关节的相对运动数据,采用描述性统计观察两者在平移和旋转各个轴上的差异。 结果 利用CT对骨结构显示较好的特点,将CT图像导入图像三维重建软件Mimics10.01中进行重建,然后将骨的三维模型分别以stl文件格式保存于电脑中。将MRI与CT分别构建的骨模型导入Geomagic软件中进行位置配准,对CT的三维模型进行坐标变换使其适合MRI图像的坐标系,使CT构建的骨模型可以准确地导入MRI图像中。利用MRI对软骨、韧带等组织显示较好的特点,用Mimics10.01软件构建出半月板、前/后交叉韧带和关节软骨的三维模型,导入Geomagic软件中进行三维修饰,使其结构稍平滑。关节软骨需要再次导入CT影像中使其边缘平滑。最终建立具有骨、半月板、前/后交叉韧带和关节软骨的三维膝关节模型。 利用血管造影灌注后CT扫描数据,用Mimics软件成功构建膝关节骨-血管三维立体结构模型,能够清晰地显示膝关节骨结构及血管之间的相互位置关系及立体形态。对于关节的局部血供也可以清楚展现,如髌周的血管网。利用Mimics和3ds max都可实现膝关节动脉三维模型的透明化,两者显示效果相近。相比较而言,利用Mimics软件操作比较简单,但软件设定的透明度不能任意调节。而3ds max软件操作相对复杂一些,特别是对于容量较大的文件,导入3ds max的过程较慢,,但它可以任意设定透明度,具有较强的可视化设计能力。 通过Vrmlpad编辑软件,将色彩、三维文字标注及各结构组装等功能通过各个程序实现,并用Frontpage软件建立了膝关节的三维解剖图谱,此三维解剖图谱包括了文字内容、二维及三维图像,便于学生理论与标本相结合、二维与三维相对照地学习解剖学知识,提高学习效率。 通过图像重建、2D/3D图像配准及相应的图像处理后,计算出股骨在G型臂X线机摄片位与CT扫描位之间的相对位移及角度。与CT扫描时的位置相比,摄X线平片时股骨下段前屈5.72°,内翻1.02°,左旋13.22°。 通过点云重建、位置还原等步骤,可计算出激光三维扫描时与CT扫描时的膝关节位置的相对运动。与CT扫描时的位置相比,激光三维扫描时的股骨后伸6°,内翻1.2°,右旋6.16°。激光三维扫描仪在各角度时的测试结果与KOHZU精密测试台的测试结果相比,各角度时测试精度均可控制在0.1°以内。利用SPSS10.0统计软件进行单因素方差分析发现各角度组之间的误差率无显著性差异(P=0.206)。 对膝关节在体稳定性测试系统与逆向工程运动还原系统导出的图像分别与CT扫描时的位置计算其相对运动数据,经配对样本T检验后发现,膝关节在体稳定性测试系统计算的相对运动与逆向工程技术计算的相对运动之间不存在显著性差异(t=0.132,P=0.895)。对平移及旋转各个轴单独进行配对样本T检验,发现除Z轴平移数据两者存在显著性差异(t=3.214,P=0.024)外,其余各个轴的平移及旋转数据均不存在显著性差异(P>0.05))。将两个配准系统导出的股骨、胫骨三维位置直接进行相对运动计算,可发现各个轴的配准误差。其中在X轴的平均平移误差最大,达到6.98mm;Z轴的平均旋转误差最大,达到了6.92°。 结论 本研究通过采集同一标本的CT和MRI数据,利用CT显示精度高、对骨的显示好的特点以及MRI对软组织显示好的特点,取长补短,对CT或MRI数据在个人计算机上进行图像重建,并且结合先进的逆向工程技术,构建了具有骨、关节软骨、半月板及前/后交叉韧带的膝关节。 本研究模型清楚显示膝关节周围血管的形态,三维直观再现了Scapinelli描述的髌周动脉环结构。重建的膝部骨—动脉三维模型,直观再现膝部动脉走行、分布特点与常用手术入路之间的关系,并能测量其空间距离,有利于帮助判断手术操作对血运的影响程度。可用于改进解剖教学手段,同时利于直观、形象地与临床应用要点相结合地开展教学,利于医学生迅速、准确掌握局部解剖特点。 三维解剖图谱在解剖学教学中可以方便教学,提高教学效率。重建的三维模型及二维图像可以在普通的个人计算机上使用,帮助学生们直观地理解并记忆各解剖结构,提高学习效率。同时网页版的三维解剖图谱可以建立虚拟解剖学实验室,实现解剖学的远程教学。 本研究采用计算机图像重建技术对患者膝关节进行三维重建,采用G型臂X线机采集患者膝关节骨结构的运动信息,通过二维/三维(2D/3D)图像配准技术,将二维动态的X线影像转化为三维模型的仿真运动,建立膝关节在体稳定性测试系统。 利用逆向工程技术可以实现膝关节的位置还原,具有以下优点:1.实验精度高,精度可达到0.1°;2.测量为非接触式,对实验影响较小。3.对于运动范围较大的测试,可采用点云拼接的方法,在实验精度不受影响的情况下实现稳定性评价。 本研究建立的膝关节在体稳定性测试精度与逆向工程运动运动还原系统的测试精度无显著性差异,说明本系统可以用于膝关节的在体稳定性研究。但精度不高,今后要注意实验细节,改进实验方法,进一步提高测试精度以更好地服务临床。
In recent years, there are a lot of digital virtual research on knee joint injuries. Three-dimensional reconstruction of human knee joint is the basis of these studies. But because of the complexity of knee joint structure and the limitation of imaging technology, these three-dimensional reconstruction usually only reconstruct the bone structure of knee joint. The reconstruction of bone, meniscus, anterior/posterior cruciate ligament and articular cartilage of the knee joint were constructed by using 3D reconstruction technique and image registration technique.
In clinical knee surgery, local blood circulation should be protected as much as possible to avoid the occurrence of local osteonecrosis. Because of the complex local blood supply of knee joint, traditional imaging can not observe the blood vessels. Angiography can better display the local blood vessels, but its quality is affected by the flow rate of contrast media, image segmentation and processing technology. In order to overcome the above shortcomings, CT scans were performed after perfusion of arteriography to reconstruct the bone and blood vessels of the knee joint. The purpose of this study is to accurately and completely display the course and distribution of the arteries of the knee joint, and to provide a clear, accurate and valuable imaging method for the teaching and scientific research of the surgery and anatomy of the knee joint.
Human anatomy is a morphological science. At present, teaching methods based on two-dimensional images is very difficult. With the continuous improvement of computer graphics and image technology and the continuous progress of virtual human research, there have been a variety of three-dimensional image reconstruction methods, but most of the three-dimensional image display needs professional software, which is expensive and expensive. In this study, we will use advanced VRML language to compile related programs and establish web-based three-dimensional browsing web pages of knee joints to lay the foundation for the completion of three-dimensional anatomical maps.
Although the stability test of knee joint has been used to evaluate the motion function of knee joint, it is impossible to simulate the real motion of knee joint in vitro and to obtain the motion information of bone structure in body motion test, so it is impossible to obtain the accurate stability data of knee joint. In this study, three-dimensional image reconstruction, two-dimensional/three-dimensional image registration and image processing technology will be used to explore the feasibility of establishing a knee joint stability evaluation system in vivo.
Reverse engineering is to construct a CAD model based on an acquired physical model, and to approximate, modify and perfect the physical model by adjusting the relevant parameters, and then apply these CAD models to product analysis and manufacturing. This paper discusses the method of knee joint motion reduction in vitro using reverse engineering technology, and calibrates the measuring accuracy of the method of knee joint motion reduction using laser three-dimensional scanner.
The in vivo stability test system of knee joint was constructed by computer three-dimensional reconstruction technology, two-dimensional/three-dimensional image registration technology and image processing technology.
Materials and methods
One fresh adult knee joint specimen was scanned by CT with a total thickness of 387 layers (0.299 mm). Then MRI was performed with a total thickness of 64 layers (1.497 mm). The three-dimensional reconstruction software Mimics and reverse engineering software Geomagic were used to reconstruct and register the images, and the bone, cartilage, ligament and meniscus of the knee joint were constructed.
A fresh adult complete lower limb specimen was perfused with a suitable concentration of filler. Then CT scan was performed with a thickness of 0.499 mm. A total of 671 layers of the knee joint were taken for the study. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the bone and blood vessels of the knee joint was performed with Mimic, and the arteries were transparently displayed with Mimic and 3ds max, respectively. Comparison of effects.
BS Contact VRML 6.1 and Vrmlpad are used as VRML display plug-in and program editing software. The structure of each part of the knee joint which has been reconstructed in three dimensions is transformed into WRL file, and VRML programming and web page making are carried out.
The knee joints of healthy adult volunteers were scanned by CT, and the right and lateral X-ray plain films were collected when the volunteers maintained a certain posture. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the knee joints was carried out. The virtual X-ray system was established in the software to reproduce two X-ray plain films with right angles. The relative displacement and angle change between the two positions are calculated.
The position information of the embedding block was collected by laser three-dimensional scanner after embedding on the lower part of the human knee joint specimen. The position of the embedding block was restored by Geomagic software. The markers were fixed on the precision testing platform of KOHZU with the accuracy of 0.01 mm and 0.01 degrees. Its motion parameters are calculated to detect the accuracy of the kinematic reduction method in reverse engineering.
Three human knee joint specimens were examined with a G-arm X-ray machine and three-dimensional point cloud information of the embedding block was scanned with a laser three-dimensional scanner. The relative motion of the knee joint model constructed from CT images was calculated and the paired sample T-test was performed. The relative motion data of the knee joint were derived from the virtual X-ray radiography system and reverse engineering technology system, and the differences between the two axes of translation and rotation were observed by descriptive statistics.
CT images were imported into the 3D reconstruction software Mimics 10.01 to reconstruct the bone structure, and then the three-dimensional models of the bone were saved in STL file format in the computer. The three-dimensional models of meniscus, anterior/posterior cruciate ligament and articular cartilage were constructed by Mimics 10.01 software, and were imported into Geomagic software to modify the structure slightly. Articular cartilage needs to be re-introduced into CT images to smooth its edges. Finally, a three-dimensional knee joint model with bone, meniscus, anterior/posterior cruciate ligament and articular cartilage is established.
Using CT scan data after perfusion of angiography, a three-dimensional model of bone-vessel structure of the knee joint was successfully constructed with Mimics software. The relationship between bone structure and blood vessels of the knee joint and their three-dimensional shape were clearly displayed. The local blood supply of the joint, such as the vascular network around the patella, could also be clearly displayed. Comparatively speaking, the operation of Mimics software is relatively simple, but the transparency of software settings can not be adjusted arbitrarily. And the operation of 3DS MAX software is relatively complex, especially for large files, the process of importing 3ds Max is relatively slow, but it can be tolerated. Transparency and strong visual design ability.
Through Vrmlpad editing software, the functions of color, three-dimensional character labeling and structure assembling are realized by each program, and the three-dimensional anatomical map of knee joint is established by Frontpage software. The three-dimensional anatomical map includes text content, two-dimensional and three-dimensional images, which is convenient for students to combine theory with specimen, and two-dimensional and three-dimensional comparative geology. Learn anatomy knowledge and improve learning efficiency.
After image reconstruction, 2D/3D image registration and corresponding image processing, the relative displacement and angle of femur between the X-ray position of G-arm X-ray machine and CT scanning position were calculated.
The relative motion of the knee joint position during laser three-dimensional scanning and CT scanning can be calculated by means of point cloud reconstruction and position restoration. Compared with the position of CT scanning, the femur of laser three-dimensional scanning is extended 6 degrees, inverted 1.2 degrees and dextral 6.16 degrees. Compared with the test results, the test accuracy can be controlled within 0.1 degree at all angles. The single factor analysis of variance using SPSS10.0 statistical software showed that there was no significant difference in the error rate between the different angle groups (P = 0.206).
The relative motion data of the knee joint in vivo stability testing system and reverse engineering motion restoring system were calculated by the position of the knee joint in CT scanning, respectively. After the paired sample T test, it was found that there was no significant difference between the relative motion calculated by the in vivo stability testing system and the relative motion calculated by reverse engineering technology. The results of T-test showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the translation and rotation data of the other axes except the Z-axis translation data (t = 3.214, P = 0.024). The three-dimensional position of femur and tibia derived from the two registration systems was directly entered. The registration error of each axis can be found by calculating the relative motion. The average translation error of X axis is the largest, reaching 6.98 mm, and the average rotation error of Z axis is the largest, reaching 6.92 degrees.
In this study, CT and MRI data of the same specimen were collected, and the characteristics of CT display precision, bone display and MRI display of soft tissue were used to reconstruct the image of CT or MRI data on personal computer. Combined with advanced reverse engineering technology, bone, articular cartilage, meniscus and anterior were constructed. The knee joint of posterior cruciate ligament.
The model clearly shows the shape of the blood vessels around the knee joint and visually reproduces the structure of the peripatellar artery ring described by Scapinelli in three dimensions. It can be used to improve the teaching methods of anatomy, and it is also helpful to carry out teaching visually and vividly in combination with the key points of clinical application.
The reconstructed three-dimensional model and two-dimensional image can be used in ordinary personal computer to help students understand and memorize anatomical structures intuitively and improve learning efficiency. Room for remote teaching of anatomy.
In this study, computer image reconstruction technology was used to reconstruct the knee joints of patients in three-dimensional, G-arm X-ray machine was used to collect the motion information of the knee joint bone structure, and through two-dimensional / three-dimensional (2D / 3D) image registration technology, the two-dimensional dynamic X-ray images were transformed into three-dimensional model of the simulation movement, and the in vivo stability testing system of the knee joints was established. Unification.
Reverse engineering technology can be used to restore the position of the knee joint, with the following advantages: 1. high experimental accuracy, accuracy can reach 0.1 degrees; 2. measurement is non-contact, less impact on the experiment.


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1 王蕊;基于RE/RP技术的标准膝关节假体的研究与开发[D];天津理工大学;2011年




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