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发布时间:2018-09-13 21:45
【摘要】:心房钠尿肽合成细胞在大鼠胃黏膜的定位及心房钠尿肽对5-羟色胺的分泌影响 自从1981年de Bold等首次从心房中提取出心房钠尿肽(ANP)以来,人们又相继发现了BNP、CNP、DNP、MNP和VNP,它们不仅存在于心脏,而且还分布于机体的许多部位。ANP在体内调节着许多生理机能,包括利尿、利钠、舒张血管、降低血压等作用。 目前,确定的ANP受体有三种即:NPR-A,NPR-B和NPR-C。hNP与靶细胞膜上的NPR-A结合后,通过激活膜结合型或颗粒型鸟苷酸环化酶(membrane-bound guanylate cyclase,mGC,或particulate guanylate cyclase,pGC)生成cGMP,cGMP能激活cGMP依赖蛋白激酶(cGMP-蛋白激酶,蛋白激酶G),从而催化有关蛋白或有关酶类的丝/苏氨酸残基磷酸化产生生物学效应。NPR-A可以和ANP、BNP紧密结合,但是与CNP的结合力却很低,尽管ANP最初被认为是心房肌合成的激素,,事实上ANP和NPR-A广泛的存在于心脏以外的其它组织中如:胃肠道、肺、胸腺,并认为它们可能作为局部调质或和以自分泌、旁分泌的方式调节胃肠道的功能。 我们的以往研究表明:NPR存在于大鼠胃黏膜的不同区域,并且它的分布密度在不同区域也有所不同,其分布的最大密度在胃窦。NPR的重要作用是抑制大鼠胃平滑肌的自发性收缩,这一作用同样在豚鼠和人的胃中都能观察到,然而,目前关于ANP合成细胞在大鼠胃黏膜的分布特点、超微结构定位、ANP合成细胞与其周围微血管分布密度的关系还不清楚。 胃黏膜的肠嗜铬细胞(enterochromaffin cell,EC)是已经公认的分泌5-羟色胺(5-HT)的胃肠道内分泌细胞,然而,到目前为止关于ANP对5-HT分泌影响的研究尚未见报道,因此,本研究分为两个部分进行探讨,第一部分为心房钠尿肽合成细胞在大鼠胃黏膜的定位研究;第二部分为心房钠尿肽对大鼠胃5-羟色胺分泌
[Abstract]:Localization of atrial natriuretic peptide synthesis cells in rat gastric mucosa and effects of atrial natriuretic peptide on serotonin secretion since 1981 when de Bold et al. Since atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was extracted from the atrium, BNP,CNP,DNP,MNP and VNP, have been found not only in the heart, but also in many parts of the body. ANP regulates many physiological functions in the body, including diuretic, natriuretic, vasodilating, lowering blood pressure and so on. At present, there are three identified ANP receptors, namely: NPR-An NPR-B and NPR-C.hNP binding to NPR-A on the target cell membrane, which activate cGMP dependent protein kinase (cGMP- protein kinase) by activating membrane binding or granular guanylate cyclase (membrane-bound guanylate cyclase,mGC, or particulate guanylate cyclase,pGC) to produce cGMP,cGMP. Protein kinase G), thus catalyzes the phosphorylation of silk / threonine residues related to proteins or enzymes. NPR-A can bind closely to ANP,BNP, but its binding capacity with CNP is low, although ANP was originally considered to be a hormone synthesized in atrial muscles. In fact, ANP and NPR-A are widely found in other tissues other than the heart, such as gastrointestinal tract, lung, thymus, and may act as local modulators or autocrine, paracrine regulation of gastrointestinal function. Our previous studies have shown that: NPR exists in different regions of the gastric mucosa of rats, and its distribution density varies from region to region, and its maximum density in antrum. NPR plays an important role in inhibiting spontaneous contraction of rat gastric smooth muscle. This effect can also be observed in both guinea pigs and human stomachs. However, the relationship between the distribution of ANP synthesis cells in rat gastric mucosa and the microvessel density around them is not clear. Intestinal chromaffin cells (enterochromaffin cell,EC) in gastric mucosa are recognized to secrete 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in gastrointestinal endocrine cells. However, so far, the effects of ANP on 5-HT secretion have not been reported. Therefore, this study is divided into two parts. The first part is the localization of atrial natriuretic peptide synthesis cells in rat gastric mucosa and the second part is the effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on gastric 5-hydroxytryptamine secretion in rats.


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