[Abstract]:Objective to observe the ability of excreted/secreted antigens, ESA) and (soluble tachyzoite antigen, STAg) to induce mucosal and systemic immune response in mice and to explore the mechanism of immune response induced by Toxoplasma gondii excretory secretory antigen (excreted/secreted antigens, ESA) and soluble tachyzoite antigen (soluble tachyzoite antigen, STAg). To provide a preliminary theoretical and experimental basis for screening complex antigen of Toxoplasma mucosal vaccine. Methods the experiment was divided into three parts: the first part was to observe the induction of mucosal and systemic immune response in mice inoculated with ESA from ascites at different times, and to determine the appropriate time for obtaining ESA in mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasma gondii). 10 mice were immunized twice with Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasma gondii) infection at 20 渭 g / mouse or PBS with 20 渭 l / a intranasal drip for 48 h and 60 h, respectively, after infection with Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasma gondii) for 12 hours and 24 hours for 36 hours and 60 hours, respectively, with an interval of 14 days. The mice were killed by cervical dislocations on the 14th day after the last immunization. ELISA assay was used to detect the level of sIgA antibody to Toxoplasma gondii specific IgG, small intestinal irrigation fluid, and to isolate spleen lymphocytes and intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes,). IIEL) and mesenteric lymph node lymphocyte (mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes,MLNL) were counted. The second part was to observe the induction of mucosal and systemic immune response of mice immunized with ESA nasal drip with different doses of Toxoplasma gondii for 48 h, and to determine the appropriate dose of intranasal ESA inoculation. 8 mice were immunized with 5 渭 g 10 渭 g ESA/ or 30 渭 g ESA/ or 20 渭 l / PBS for 14 days. The mice were killed on the 14th day after the last immunization. The serum IgG antibody levels of Toxoplasma gondii specific sIgA, small intestinal lavage fluid (sIgA,), iIEL and MLNL and splenic lymphocytes were detected by ELISA method. The third part was to observe the effect of Toxoplasma gondii excretory secretory antigen and soluble tachyzoite antigen on mucosal and systemic immune responses of mice immunized with Toxoplasma gondii excretory secretory antigen and soluble tachyzoite antigen alone. 10 mice were immunized twice with 30 渭 g ESA,20 渭 g STAg,25 渭 g combined antigen (15 渭 g ESA plus 10 渭 gSTAg) or PBS 20 渭 l / mouse for 14 days. The mice were killed on the 14th day after the last immunization. The serum IgG antibody level of Toxoplasma gondii specific sIgA, was detected by ELISA method, and the iIEL and spleen lymphocytes were separated and counted. Results after nasal immunization with ESA at different time stages, the mice in the other experimental and PBS groups were in good health condition except for 60 h group, and the body weight change showed an increasing trend with time, and the mice in 60 h group were not in good condition. Weight gain was slower than other experimental groups and PBS group (P0.05). The levels of serum and mucosal specific antibodies increased, and MLNL,iIEL and splenic lymphocytes developed proliferative response in experimental group. 48 h group and 60 group of serum IgG, small bowel lavage fluid sIgA level and iIEL, The number of MLNL and splenic lymphocytes were significantly higher than those of other experimental groups and PBS groups except 36h group (P0.01). The sIgA level and MLNL number of small intestinal lavage fluid in 36h group were significantly higher than those in 0h group and PBS group (P0.05). After nasal immunization with different doses of ESA, the mice in each group were in good health. With the increase of the dose of intranasal immunized ESA, the level of specific antibody in the experimental group increased in different degrees, and MLNL,iIEL and splenic lymphocytes also occurred in different degrees.
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