[Abstract]:GAS (growth rest protein) is mainly expressed in the resting period of cells and regulates cell growth and differentiation. GAS7 was first found in serum-deprived rat fibroblasts, mainly expressed in the nervous system and specifically expressed in highly differentiated neurons. GAS7 is necessary for the differentiation and maturation of primary cultured cerebellar nerve cells. Moreover, some studies have shown that the high expression of GAS7 in PC12 cells can promote the formation of PC12 cell processes, while the inhibition of GAS7 expression in cultured cerebellar cells by antisense oligonucleotides will significantly inhibit the formation of cell processes. Therefore, GAS7 is considered to be a marker of mature nerve cells and has potential anti-cancer function. In recent years, the function of GAS7 has attracted the attention of the scholars concerned, but there is no commercial antibody, but the expression localization and distribution of GAS7 in vivo and other related data are still lacking. The aim of this study was to prepare antiserum against GAS7 and to observe the localization and distribution of GAS7 in the nervous system of rats by immunohistochemical, Western blot and RT-PCR and the effect of estrogen on the expression of GAS7 in hippocampus of rats. In order to provide important experimental data for studying the function of GAS7 in nervous system. Objective: 1. Anti-rat GAS7 polyclonal antiserum was prepared by using GST fusion protein as immunogen. 2. To observe the expression localization and distribution of different isomers of GAS7 in the nervous system of rats. 3. To study the effect and effect of estrogen replacement therapy on the expression of hippocampal growth reversion protein 7 in rats. Methods: 1. The recombinant GST fusion protein was used as immunogen to prepare anti-rat GAS7 polyclonal antiserum. 2. Immunohistochemical, Western blot and RT-PCR methods were used to observe the localization and distribution of GAS7 expression in rat nervous system. 3. The ovariectomized estrogen replacement model was established and the effects of estrogen on the expression of GAS7 in hippocampus of rats were observed by immunohistochemical, Western blot. Results: 1. Anti-rat GAS7 polyclonal antiserum was successfully prepared. 2.GAS7 is widely expressed in the nervous system of rats and has different GAS7 expression in different sites. 3. Estrogen upregulated the expression of GAS7b and down-regulated the expression of GAS7a. Conclusion: 1. Different GAS7 proteins may be involved in different functions of the nervous system. 2. Estrogen may delay the aging of neurons by regulating the expression of different isomers of GAS7 in the hippocampus.
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