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发布时间:2019-05-24 03:27
【摘要】:随着社会竞争的日益激烈,心身疾病也越来越受到各界人士的重视。文化中的价值观反映社会过去的生活经验与处理社会问题的方法,提供给人们行为的参考准绳与规范。根据研究,心理辅导与咨询的效果会受文化背景因素的影响,因而提倡建立不同文化模式的心理咨询理论与方法。在我国,研究根植于人们心中的中国传统文化将有助于创立中国文化模式的心理咨询理论与方法,心理学才能真正做到本上化。 道家思想是我国重要的文化思想,曾对我国古代的思想文化和社会生活的各个领域产生过巨大而复杂的辐射作用,并且深刻地影响着现代社会,在中国人的生活方式和文化构成的影响仍然不可忽视。道家在体道悟道的时候,对心身关系是有很深的认识的,道家的心身观是信奉道家思想的人群最基本的知识,它直接影响了这个群体的待人接物、处世等生活方式。道家的思想对承受各种压力的现代人来说,具有重要的启示。因此,对道家心身观进行整理和提炼是非常有必要的。本课题旨在整理挖掘道家心理学的理论、方法与技术,总结其应用价值,作为未来建立具有中国文化模式特点的心理咨询理论的一抹溪流。 本研究力图将所有的研究分析都建立在详实的文献基础上,但中国文化的很多要素是以非文本的形式存留于社会生活中的,要对道家文化的心身思想有更好的理解,就要将视野扩大到文本之外的社会生活的宽阔领域,将典籍研习与社会考察结合起来,试图对道家心身思想有一个动态、全面的了解。在资料整理过程中,力求做到历史梳理与逻辑分析相结合,坚持用辨证的、一分为二的观点看问题,在史料的运用与分析中,既有开放的眼光,又有原则的把握,即批判继承与开拓创新相结合。最后,运用比较研究的方法,将道家心身观和现代心理治疗学进行比较研究,以有助于我们对道家思想和方法的价值有一个新的认识。 道家心理思想是中国心理学思想遗产中珍贵的内容,道家在贵己养生的基本思想指导下,由自然哲学深化、内化为生命哲学,发展了“天人合一”、“自然无为”、“知足不争”、“自知之明”、“德如赤子”、“致虚守静”、“不见可欲,使心不乱”、“形神统一,性命双修”、“精神内守,以神御形”、“积精成神,神成仙寿”等重要的心身思想理念,并在此理论基础上,发展了“致虚极、守静笃”、“心斋”、“坐忘”、“内丹术”等的心身修炼技术,并通过这些途径在“微妙玄通”的自我生命体验中,达到超越自我的体道悟道的境界。从跨文化的比较研究可以知道,道家心身观和现代健康理念是一致的,并包含有现代认知疗法、放松疗法、静默疗法、生物反馈疗法、森田疗法,理性一情绪疗法、完形疗法、顿悟治疗、人本主义疗法、精神分析疗法等多种心理治疗方法的思想元素。这说明道家心身观是中国传统的心理健康、心理治疗的智慧,是值得我们继承发扬的。如果能在此基础上与现代心理疗法相结合,将有助于建立有中
[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce social competition, the heart disease is more and more important to people from all walks of life. The values of the culture reflect the past life experience of the society and the methods of dealing with the social problems, and provide the reference standards and norms for people's behavior. According to the research, the effect of psychological counseling and consultation can be influenced by the cultural background factors, thus promoting the establishment of the psychological counseling theory and method of different cultural patterns. In our country, the study of Chinese traditional culture, which is rooted in people's heart, will help to set up the theory and method of the psychological counseling in Chinese culture mode, and the psychology can really make it. The thought of Taoism is an important cultural thought in our country, and has produced a great and complicated radiation effect in various fields of the ancient Chinese thought culture and social life, and deeply influences the modern society, and in the way of life and culture of the Chinese people The influence is still not to be ignored. The Taoist has a deep understanding of the relationship between the body and the body, and the view of the Taoist is the most basic knowledge of the people who believe in the Taoist thought, which directly affects the people to be connected to this group. The way of life and so on. The thought of the Taoist is to the modern people who bear all kinds of pressure. It has important enlightenment. Therefore, it is necessary to sort and raise the Taoist concept of heart and body. The purpose of this study is to sort out the theory, method and technology of the study of the Taoist psychology, and to sum up the value of its application. The study tries to set up all the research and analysis on the basis of the detailed literature, but many of the elements of Chinese culture are retained in the social life in the form of non-text, To have a better understanding of the thought of the Taoist culture, it is necessary to extend the field of view to the broad area of the social life outside the text, combine the study of the book and the social investigation, and try to The thought of Taoism has a dynamic and comprehensive understanding. In the process of data collation, we try to combine the historical combing and logic analysis, and stick to the point of view of dialectical and divided into two. In the application and analysis of the historical materials, it has both an open eye and a principle. In the end, the author makes a comparative study of the Taoist concept of mind and the modern psychological therapeutics by using the method of comparative study, so as to help us to The value of the Taoist thought and method has a new understanding. The Taoist psychological thought is the precious content of the Chinese psychology thought and heritage, and the Taoism is deepened by the natural philosophy under the guidance of the basic thought of the one's own health and has developed the "unity of man and man", the "natural", the "to be contented and not to fight", the "to be self-conscious", the "De Ruzi", the "to keep quiet and keep quiet", and the "no one's" On the basis of this theory, the new "To make a false sense, to keep quiet.", "Xin Zhai", "to forget", "endodonucleation", etc. are developed, and these approaches are adopted in , "The unity of the spirit and the life and the double repair", "In the spirit of the guard, in the shape of God", and "To become a god, and the God is an immortal.". unk>"subtly", the state of self-life of the super-self is achieved. From the comparative study of cross-culture, the Taoist concept of mind and the modern health concept are consistent, and include modern cognitive therapy, relaxation therapy, silent therapy, biofeedback therapy, and sfield therapy. Law, rational mood therapy, completion therapy, insight treatment, people The thought elements of a variety of psychotherapy methods, such as this, psychoanalysis, and so on. This means that the Taoist's view of the heart is China. The wisdom of the traditional mental health and psychological treatment is worthy of our inheritance and development.


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