[Abstract]:In this study, the psychological scale of self-consciousness of juvenile patients with non-syndrome lip and palate was compiled for 12 years old 19 years old patients with non-syndrome cleft lip and palate. From October 2003 to April 2005, 63 patients with non-syndrome lip and palate in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, West China Stomatological Hospital of Sichuan University were selected as the patient group, which were 12 years old 19 years old adolescents with non-syndrome, which were treated surgically in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery of West China Stomatological Hospital of Sichuan University. 88 normal adolescents in Chengdu were randomly selected as the normal control group. The family members of the patients in the patient group were divided into the parent control group. The split-half reliability, retest reliability, content validity and validity of the scale were tested. The scale basically meets the requirements of the scale, and provides an ideal tool for the diagnosis and intervention of the bad psychological state of juvenile patients with cleft lip and palate. A preliminary analysis of the psychological characteristics of self-consciousness in adolescents with cleft lip and palate showed that the overall self-consciousness of patients with cleft lip and palate in adolescence was at the normal level and was stronger than that in normal adolescents in terms of psychological regulation ability. In each classification, the patients with cleft lip (palatal) had certain psychological adjustment to the appearance defect, and the patients with (lip) palatine had poor satisfaction with their own speech, among which 55% thought that speech was more important than appearance. The physiological self-consciousness projected by the outside world has no obvious tendency to be benign or malignant. The subjective evaluation of patients' social role is generally at the normal level. In the projection part, it is more likely than the normal group to think that others have made a more positive evaluation of their social roles. In terms of social relationships, feelings of exclusion and self-confidence, they are not as good as normal teenagers, but have better parent-child relationships.
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