[Abstract]:The subtemporal approach of the middle fossa is a common surgical approach in microneurosurgery, which is mainly used to deal with intradural and external tumors of the middle fossa, hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage and traumatic intracranial hematomas in the middle fossa. Posterior trigeminal rhizotomy, subtemporal decompression, facial decompression and other diseases. In this study, the cadaveric head was dissected in combination with clinical operation, and the important anatomical structure on the anatomical path was discussed. At the same time, the pterygoid point and zygomatic arch point were selected as the observation points of the surgical approach to the middle fossa of the skull, and the pterygoid points were selected. The distance and angle between zygomatic arch point and middle fossa were measured, and the (FS), arcuate eminence from facial nerve canal foramen to spinous foramen was measured. The length of the inner auriculus and the angle between each line and the median sagittal plane were measured. To explore the position relationship among the structures, and to provide anatomical basis for clinical surgery. Experimental materials and methods 1 material 1.1 10 cases (20 sides) of formaldehyde fixed normal adult cadaveric head markers This (provided by the Department of Teaching and Research of the Chinese Medical University), Among them, 7 cases were male head and 3 cases were female head. Latex mixed with red and blue dye was perfused through artery and vein system to maintain the normal thickness and easy identification of blood vessels. 1.2 Experimental instruments and reagents conventional surgical instruments in clinical neurosurgery (provided by the Department of Local solution, Chinese Medical University), high pressure syringes, craniotomy devices, latex solution (provided by Shenyang Latex Factory), Vernier calipers (accuracy 0.02), gauges, angle gauges, lead wires, cameras, surgical microscopes that can be magnified 5 times 20 times. Methods 2. 1. 2. 1 Latex solution was perfused into cadaveric head artery. The venous system obtantly separated one side of internal carotid artery (ICA) 2cm on the cervical section of the specimen, and placed the thick needle at the tip. The suture of No. 7 operation was double ligated, and the red latex solution was injected with high pressure syringe through needle.
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