SBAR handover pediatric emergency department
Patients handover with SBAR communication model in the pediatric emergency department
[1] [2] [3] [4]
TAO Yi, JIANG Xiaoping, CHENG Xiaohong, LI Shaojun ( Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, 400014 China)
[1]重庆医科大学附属儿童医院急诊科,重庆市400014; [2]重庆医科大学附属儿童医院护理部,重庆市400014
文章摘要:目的 :探讨标准化沟通模式(SBAR)在儿科急诊患者交接过程中的应用效果。方法 :选取2015年1-3月在我院儿科急诊转运的患者48例作为对照组,使用传统口头交接方式进行交接;选取2015年4-6月在我院儿科急诊转运的患者51例作为观察组,使用参照SBAR标准制定的急诊患儿交接单进行交接。比较两组在不良事件发生率、转运交接耗时、医护人员满意度的差异。结果 :观察组不良事件发生率及交接时间与对照组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);观察组医护人员对交接内容全面性、病情描述准确、实用性/可操作性的满意度高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论 :使用SBAR标准化沟通模式进行交接后,不良事件发生率降低,交接耗时缩短,医护人员满意度提高,从而更好地保障了急诊患儿交接安全,因此SBAR沟通模式值得推广。
Abstr:Objective: To explore the application effect on the patients handover in pediatric emergency department with SBAR standardized communication mode. Methods: Selected 48 patients from 2015.1 to 2015.3 in the pediatric emergency department which need handover as control group, handover with traditional transition in the form of verbal handover, selected 51 patients from 2015.4 to 2015.6 in pediatric emergency department which need handover as observation group, handover with SBAR, compare two groups in the incidence of adverse events, transshipment handover time-consuming, the situation of the medical staff satisfaction. Results: Compare the observation group with the control group in the incidence of adverse events and transition time,it had significant difference(P〈0.05), The satisfaction of medical staff in the observation group was much better than the control group(P〈0.05). Conclusion: Handover with SBAR standardized communication mode can reduce the incidence of adverse events, shortened the handover time, medical staff satisfaction improved, so it's better to safeguard the safety of patients which need handover in pediatric emergency department, so the SBAR communication mode is worth promoting.
Keyword::SBAR handover pediatric emergency department