发布时间:2018-03-25 05:17
本文选题:早产儿 切入点:原因 出处:《昆明医科大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的回顾性调查439例早产儿的临床资料,分析早产的病因及影响早产儿转归的相关因素,从而提出预防早产的措施,降低早产发生率。 方法1.病例来源:选择2008年1月至2011年10月在昆明医学院第二附属医院儿科新生儿病房治疗的和本院产科出生的早产儿(未转入儿科),共439例,其中儿科260例,产科179例。 2.病例的整理与分析:设计《早产儿调查表》,包括母亲的一般资料(年龄、胎次、孕周、流/引产史、职业、有无妊娠并发症等),胎膜早破发生情况;是否双/多胎妊娠,有无宫内窒息、宫内发育迟缓;早产儿产时情况:包括出生体重,生产方式,Apgar评分,羊水、脐带、胎盘情况,有无窒息史;早产儿的转归情况。 结果平均胎龄33.85±2.04周,平均出生体重2108.56±470.46g。男女比为1.386:1,男多于女,随着出生体重增加男女比例差异无显著性意义。孕母既往异常生育史与早产相关性最强。胎膜早破是引起早产的主要原因,其他依次为不明原因的自然早产、双/多胎、胎盘因素、脐带因素和羊水因素。28-31+6周出生的早产儿窒息率高于32-36+6周出生者,具有显著性差异(p0.001)。男女存活率差异无统计学意义(p0.05)。孕周、出生体重与转归显著相关(p0.05),孕周越大、出生体重越大的早产儿转归越好。28-31+6周组、32-36+6周组治愈好转率分别为87.5%、97.6%。出生体重1000g、1000g-、1500g-及2500g-存活率分别为100%、91.7%、96.6%、96.8%。 结论早产是多因素共同作用的结果,其中孕母既往异常生育史、胎膜早破、羊水因素、原因不明、多胎、胎盘因素、脐带因素、妊娠期高血压疾病是早产的主要病因。住院早产儿中男女比为1.386:1,存活率男女无差异。28-31+6周组、32-36+6周组治愈好转率分别为87.5%、97.6%。出生体重1000g、1000g-1500g-及2500g-存活率分别为100%、91.7%、96.6%、96.8%。
[Abstract]:Objective to retrospectively investigate the clinical data of 439 premature infants, analyze the etiology of premature delivery and the related factors affecting the outcome of preterm infants, and put forward some measures to prevent preterm birth and reduce the incidence of preterm delivery. Methods 1. Case sources: from January 2008 to October 2011, 439 premature infants (not transferred to paediatrics) were selected, including 260 cases of paediatrics and 179 cases of obstetrics, who were treated in the pediatrics ward of the second affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College and were born in our hospital. 2.Case-sorting and analysis: design "Prematures questionnaire", including the mother's general data (age, birth order, gestational week, flow / induced labor history, occupation, pregnancy complications, etc.), the occurrence of premature rupture of membranes, whether or not double / multiple pregnancy, Intrauterine asphyxia, intrauterine growth retardation; preterm delivery: birth weight, production pattern Apgar score, amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, placenta, history of asphyxia; outcome of premature infants. Results the mean gestational age was 33.85 卤2.04 weeks, the average birth weight was 2108.56 卤470.46 g. The ratio of male to female was 1.386: 1, male was more than female. There was no significant difference in the proportion of male and female with birth weight increase. The abnormal history of pregnancy had the strongest correlation with premature delivery. Premature rupture of membranes was the main cause of premature delivery. Placental factors, umbilical cord factors and amniotic fluid factors. The asphyxia rate of premature infants was higher than that of those born at 32-36 weeks. There was no significant difference in survival rate between male and female. There was no significant difference in survival rate between male and female. The recovery rate of preterm infants with higher birth weight was 87.5 and 97.6.The survival rates of 1000g / 100g / 1500g- and 2500g- were 100 / 91.70.96. 6 and 96. 8%, respectively. Conclusion preterm delivery is the result of multiple factors, among which the previous abnormal birth history, premature rupture of membranes, amniotic fluid, unknown causes, multiple pregnancies, placental factors and umbilical cord factors are the main causes of preterm labor. Hypertension complicating pregnancy was the main cause of preterm delivery. The ratio of male to female was 1.386: 1 in hospitalized premature infants, and the survival rate was not different between male and female. The cure rate was 87.5% and 97.6in the 32-36 week group respectively. The survival rates of 1000g 1000g-1500g- and 2500g- were 10091.7% and 96.696%, respectively.
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