本文选题:小儿反复呼吸道感染 切入点:湿热体质 出处:《黑龙江中医药大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:通过对小儿反复呼吸道感染的临床病例采集及前瞻性调查研究,探讨现代小儿反复呼吸道感染的发病情况,小儿的体质构成比,小儿湿热体质在小儿体质以及复感儿中体质构成比,对小儿日常防护及复感患儿的指导治疗提供参考 方法:采用一般调查表,对2010年3月至2011年3月期间,在黑龙江中医药大学附属慢性病门诊的就诊患儿进行入选筛查,共搜集符合标准病例200例。根据小儿复感的诊断标准,将200例患儿筛选出80例RRTI患儿作为患儿组,从120例非复感儿中随机抽取80例作为正常组。制定小儿湿热体质量化表,将患儿组与正常组进行体质分类,分为湿热体质组与非湿热体质组,采用Epidate3.1建立数据库,将病例资料数据输入数据库,进行统计学分析比较得出结果 结果:1)在200例病例中症状出现的频率从高到低分别为舌苔腻,舌质红,脉滑数、濡数,大便异常,口中异味,口唇红赤,小便黄赤,心烦急躁,频率均大于20%,其次症候分别为食欲不振,手足心热,易汗出,易生湿疹,频率均大于10%。2)患儿组80例中湿热体质45例(56.25%),非湿热体质35例(43.75%),正常组120例中湿热体质38例(31.67%)非湿热体质82例(68.33%)。3)患儿组与正常组有关发病因素的比较,孕母患病,出生方式,喂养方式等,两组具有显著性差异(p0.05),比较两组出生体重,结果无显著性差异(p0.05)。两组有关过敏情况的比较,患儿组易致敏,具有显著性差异(p0.01)。4)患儿组与对照组在呼吸道感染急性期症状频率及百分比,两组小儿大便异常,咽喉肿痛,咳嗽咳痰,高热,伴发哮喘,伴发肺炎,皮肤异常症状中患儿组频率均大于对照组,且患儿组前四项症候频率大于40%,对照组前三项症候频率均大于30%。5)湿热组与非湿热组在发病次数的比较(p0.05),具有显著差异6)湿热组与非湿热组在偏嗜肉食,喜食辛辣,蔬果不足,贪凉饮冷,冬季室内温度方面的比较,具有显著性差异(P0.05),两组在运动量上比较,无显著性差异(P0.05) 结论:1)此次调查发现,小儿反复呼吸道感染在小儿疾病的构成比中约占40%,其发病与孕母身体状况,小儿出生方式,喂养方式等因素有关,且小儿偏嗜肉食,蔬果不足,喜食辛辣,贪凉饮冷等不良饮食方式,冬季室内温度过高都是小儿复感的影响因素。2)在复感儿中,湿热体质型患儿所占比重较大,并且表现出发病次数多,病程长,缠绵难愈,症状以高热咳嗽,唇红口臭,咽喉肿痛,大便异常,伴发哮喘肺炎,皮肤异常,舌质红,苔黄腻等。3)提示祛湿热、调体质法对防治小儿反复呼吸道感染具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the incidence of recurrent respiratory tract infection in modern children and the constitution ratio of children by collecting clinical cases of recurrent respiratory tract infection in children and making prospective investigation.The constitution ratio of dampness and heat in children and children with complex feeling can provide reference for the daily protection and treatment of children with resuscitation.Methods: from March 2010 to March 2011, a general questionnaire was used to screen the children in the clinic of chronic diseases affiliated to Heilongjiang University of traditional Chinese Medicine. A total of 200 cases were collected.According to the diagnostic criteria of resuscitation in children, 80 cases of RRTI were selected as the group of children, and 80 cases were randomly selected as normal group from 120 cases of non-resuscitation children.Make a quantitative table of children's dampness and heat constitution, classify the children's physical constitution with that of the normal group, and divide them into the damp heat constitution group and the non-damp heat constitution group, establish the database by Epidate3.1, input the case data into the database, and compare the results by statistical analysis and comparison.Results in 200 cases, the frequency of symptoms from high to low were greasy tongue coating, red tongue, pulse slip number, moistening number, abnormal stool, peculiar smell of mouth, red lip of mouth, yellow redness of urination, irritability and irritability.The frequency is more than 20. The next symptoms are loss of appetite, hot palms, sweating easily, eczema easily.There was no significant difference in birth weight between the two groups.The frequency and percentage of symptoms in the acute phase of respiratory infection in the two groups were abnormal, throat swelling and pain, cough and phlegm, high fever.The frequency of children with asthma, pneumonia and abnormal skin symptoms was higher than that of control group.The frequency of the first four symptoms was more than 40 in the control group, and the frequency of the first three symptoms in the control group was more than 30. 5) there was significant difference between the damp-heat group and the non-dampness heat group in the frequency of the disease. There was a significant difference between the damp-heat group and the non-damp-heat group in the preference for meat, spicy food and lack of fruits and vegetables, and there was a significant difference between the damp-heat group and the non-damp-heat group.There was a significant difference between cold drinking and cold drinking in winter and indoor temperature in winter, but there was no significant difference in exercise volume between the two groups (P 0.05).Conclusion (1) this investigation found that recurrent respiratory tract infection in children accounts for about 40% of the proportion of diseases in children. The incidence of recurrent respiratory tract infection in children is related to the physical condition of pregnant mothers, the way children are born, the way of feeding and so on, and the children are partial to meat and lack of fruits and vegetables.In the children with resuscitation, the proportion of children with dampness and heat constitution is larger, and the incidence times, the course of disease is long, and it is difficult to recover from the disease, such as spicy food, cold and cold food, and the high indoor temperature in winter are all the influencing factors of children's resuscitation, and the children with dampness and heat constitution account for a large proportion of the children with resuscitation.Symptoms such as high fever cough, red lips and bad breath, sore throat, abnormal stool, accompanied by asthma pneumonia, abnormal skin, red tongue, yellow greasy fur, etc.) suggested that dispelling dampness and heat, regulating physical constitution is of great significance in preventing and treating recurrent respiratory tract infection in children.
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