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发布时间:2018-05-15 15:29

  本文选题:特发性中枢性性早熟 + 栀早颗粒 ; 参考:《黑龙江中医药大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:通过分析ICPP女童血清BGP与其他因素之间的相关性,研究栀早颗粒对ICPP女童BGP的影响,并探讨其延缓骨龄成熟进程、改善患儿最终成人身高可能性作用机制。 方法:选取符合肝郁痰结型诊断标准的特发性中枢性性早熟女童46例,治疗组25例,对照组21例。治疗前对46例ICPP病例中影响血清BGP含量的相关因素进行分析,两组间一般资料进行比较。治疗组给予中药栀早颗粒,1剂/日,分2次冲服;对照组给予抑那通每4周肌内注射1次。疗程6个月。治疗前后及两组间E2、T、GH、IGF-1、BGP、BA/CA等观测指标进行比较。全部数据以均数±标准差(X±S)表示,BGP与其相关因素的采用pearson法和偏相关法进行分析,组间比较采用Mann-Whitney秩和检验,治疗前后比较采用Wilcoxon符号秩检验。分析均由SPSS16.0软件包完成。 结果: 1.治疗组与对照组病程、发病年龄、身高、体重、FSH、LH、子宫、卵巢体积之间均无差异性(P0.05)。2 2.采用pearson法对ICPP女童年龄、身高、体重、骨龄、血清BGP进行相关性分析,各指标均有显著相关性(P0.01),采用偏相关法控制因素之间的影响后,只有血清BGP与骨龄呈相关(P0.01),血清BGP含量与年龄、身高、体重之间的相关性无统计学意义(P0.05)。 3.采用pearson法对ICPP女童血清E2、T、GH、IGF-1、BGP进行相关性分析,血清GH、IGF-1、BGP三者间呈正相关(P0.01),E2与IGF-1呈正相关(P0.05),而E2与GH、BGP,T与GH、IGF-1、BGP之间的相关性无统计学意义(P0.05),采用偏相关法控制因素之间的影响后,只有血清IGF-1与BGP呈正性相关(P0.05),而血清E2、T、GH水平与BGP之间的相关性无统计学意义(P0.05)。 4.治疗组、对照组患儿与治疗前相比,疗后血清E2、T、GH、IGF-1、BGP水平均有降低,治疗前后比较有显著性差异(P0.05)。治疗前后两组间血清E2、T、GH、IGF-1、BGP水平比较均无显著性差异(P0.05)。 5.治疗组与对照组治疗前后骨龄比较均无统计学意义(P0.05),两组治疗后骨龄成熟的进程均延缓(治疗组1.14±0.10vs1.19±0.11,对照组1.14±0.12vs1.21±0.13),且治疗前、治疗后两组间的比较均无显著性差异(P0.05)。 结论: 1.特发性中枢性性早熟女童血清BGP水平与骨龄呈正性相关,BGP可以反映骨龄成熟的程度。 2.特发性中枢性性早熟女童血清IGF-1水平与BGP呈正相关,E2、GH可通过影响ICF-1生成的间接方式影响BGP生成,进而影响患儿骨龄成熟的进程。 3.栀早颗粒能够降低ICPP患儿血清E2、T、GH、IGF1、BGP水平,改善性早熟患儿病情。 4.栀早颗粒可通过降低ICPP患儿血清E2、GH、IF-1水平,下调BGP含量,延缓骨龄成熟的进展,进而改善ICPP患儿的最终成人身高情况。
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the effect of Zhizao granule on BGP of ICPP girls by analyzing the correlation between serum BGP and other factors in ICPP girls, and to explore the possible mechanism of delaying the maturation of bone age and improving the adult height of children. Methods: 46 cases of idiopathic central precocious puberty, 25 cases in treatment group and 21 cases in control group were selected. The related factors affecting serum BGP levels in 46 cases of ICPP were analyzed before treatment and the general data were compared between the two groups. The treatment group was given one dose of ZZG every day and the control group was given intramuscular injection of Yinatong once every 4 weeks. The course of treatment was 6 months. Before and after treatment and between the two groups, the observation indexes of IGF-1 BGPBA / CA were compared. All the data were analyzed by pearson method and partial correlation method with mean 卤standard deviation X 卤S, Mann-Whitney rank sum test and Wilcoxon sign rank test were used before and after treatment. The analysis was done by SPSS16.0 software package. Results: 1. There was no difference between treatment group and control group in course of disease, age of onset, height, weight of FSHLH, volume of uterus and ovary. 2. The age, height, weight, bone age and serum BGP of ICPP girls were analyzed by pearson method. Only serum BGP was correlated with bone age (P 0.01), and serum BGP content was not correlated with age, height and weight. 3. Pearson method was used to analyze the correlation of serum E2GP-TGHF-1BGP in girls with ICPP. There was a positive correlation between serum GHIGF-1BGP and IGF-1, while there was no significant correlation between E2 and GHGPGPT and GH IGF-1BGP (P0.05). After controlling the influence of the factors by partial correlation method, the results showed that there was no significant difference in the relationship between E2GP-T and IGF-1BGP in girls with ICPP, but there was no significant difference between E2 and BGPT and IGF-1BGP in serum of ICPP girls. There was a positive correlation between serum IGF-1 and BGP (P 0.05), but no significant correlation between serum E2T and BGP (P 0.05). 4. In the treatment group, compared with before treatment, the serum levels of serum E2T GH-IGF-1 BGP in the control group were lower than those before and after treatment, and there was a significant difference between before and after treatment (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in BGP levels between the two groups before and after treatment (P 0.05). 5. There was no significant difference in bone age between the treatment group and the control group before and after treatment (P 0.05). The process of bone age maturation was delayed after treatment in both groups (1.14 卤0.10vs1.19 卤0.11 in the treatment group and 1.14 卤0.12vs1.21 卤0.13 in the control group). There was no significant difference between the two groups before and after treatment (P 0.05). Conclusion: 1. Serum BGP level was positively correlated with bone age in idiopathic central precocious girls. 2. The serum IGF-1 level of idiopathic central precocious puberty girls was positively correlated with BGP. E2GH could influence BGP production through the indirect way of affecting ICF-1 production, and then affect the process of bone age maturation in children. 3. Zhizao granule can reduce the serum level of serum E2 ICPP and improve the condition of precocious puberty. 4. Zhizao granule can decrease the level of serum E2HG IF-1, down-regulate the content of BGP, delay the progress of bone age maturation, and improve the final adult height of ICPP children.


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