[Abstract]:[objective] to observe the clinical effect of rocuronium bromide and succinylcholine on the maintenance of muscle relaxation during the removal of foreign bodies in children's airway, the occurrence of complications during and after operation and the extubation after operation. [methods] from January 2013 to January 2016, 80 children with airway foreign body removal were selected, 30 of whom were over 3 years old. According to the intravenously injected muscle relaxants during anesthesia induction, they were randomly divided into two groups: rocuronium group (R group) 0.9 mg / kg, succinylcholine group (S group) 1.5 mg / kg, and intraoperative intravenous injection of rocuronium 0.3 mg / kg S group when necessary according to the degree of muscle relaxation and the time of operation. Succinylcholine was injected intravenously at 0.5 mg / kg, and the rest were consistent. The observation items included: bronchoscopic implantation conditions comparison, intraoperative muscle relaxation degree, times of additional intravenous injection of muscle relaxant and atropine, extraction time of tracheal intubation, life sign during and after operation, dynamic observation of hemodynamics and occurrence of complications. [results] [results] (1) there was no significant difference in the degree of muscle relaxation between the two groups (P0.05). (2). But there was no need to add muscle relaxant and atropine in group R, and all children in group S needed muscle relaxant and atropine. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P0.01). (3), the dynamic observation of hemodynamics was stable, the difference was statistically significant (P0.01). (3). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P0.05) there were complications such as body movement, hypoxemia, restlessness in recovery period in group S, while in group R, laryngeal spasm and restlessness occurred in one case each. There was significant difference between the two groups (P0.05). (4). The recovery of muscle strength in group S was significantly higher than that in group R 15 min after operation (P0.01). (5). The time of tracheal intubation extubation in group R was longer than that in group S (P0.01). (5). The difference was statistically significant (P0.05). (6). 30 children aged more than 3 years were followed up 24 hours after operation. In group S (14 cases), there was no systemic muscle soreness in group R (16 cases). [conclusion] both rocuronium and succinylcholine had better muscle relaxation effect during the removal of airway foreign body in children (P0.01). The former had better muscle relaxation effect and better safety. It can provide better operation conditions and balanced anesthesia depth. There is no muscle soreness 24 hours after operation. Most of the latter need to continue to add drugs during the operation, and complications may occur during the operation and muscle soreness 24 hours after the operation.
【作者单位】: 福建医科大学附属第二医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科;福建医科大学附属第二医院麻醉科;
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