[Abstract]:Objective: To summarize the clinical characteristics of infantile cytomegalovirus hepatitis (CMV) treated with traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and to explore the relationship between the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine and viral suppression, improvement of cholestasis and recovery of liver function in infantile CMV hepatitis. Diagnostic criteria and traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment can reduce the risk of cirrhosis caused by prolonged cholestasis and liver cell damage, and improve the survival rate of children.
Methods:43 infants with CMV hepatitis were randomly divided into treatment group and control group by prospective comparison of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.According to the auxiliary examination,the clinical data of admission,treatment for 2 weeks and treatment for 4 weeks were collected and summarized.Results SAS 8.0 software was used to analyze the relevant data,and the measurement data accorded with each other. The normal distribution is analyzed by variance analysis, and the rank sum test is not used to measure the data of normal distribution and count data.
Results: 1. About 86.1% of the infants with cytomegalovirus hepatitis were hospitalized with "skin and sclera yellow stain" and a few of them did not show jaundice symptoms. 2. Infant cytomegalovirus hepatitis has the clinical characteristics of respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, blood system, nervous system and other system damage. 3. In the treatment group, the total has two weeks. Efficiency was 95.45%, significantly higher than the control group 71.43%, and the cure rate in the treatment group was significantly higher than the control group, the two groups were statistically calculated by Chi-square test, F = 0.0430, less than 0.05, statistically significant, indicating that the treatment group and the control group in the curative effect of statistical differences. The main results were as follows: (1) In the yellowing rate, the treatment group was 57.89% and the control group was 22.22%. Chi-square test showed that P = 0.0448, less than 0.05, had statistical significance. 2) In the aspect of reducing bilirubin, the mean decrease of bilirubin value in the treatment group was 85.78 umol/L, while that in the control group was 37.65 umol/L. Rank sum test was conducted between the two groups, Z = 0.65 umol/L. The mean value of ALP in the treatment group was 98 at 2 weeks, while that in the control group was 54. The mean value of GGT in the treatment group was 89 and that in the control group was 73. The total effective rate of the treatment group was 95.45%, which was significantly higher than that of the control group (66.67%). The two groups were statistically calculated by Chi-square test, F = 0.0343, less than 0.05. There was statistical significance, indicating that the treatment group and the control group had statistical differences in curative effect. Compared with the control group, the effective rate of liver shrinkage treatment in the treatment group was higher than that in the control group, and through the chi-square test, Z = 0.0227, with statistical significance. Significance. 3) The mean value of ALP decrease was 105 in the treatment group and 81 in the control group at 2 weeks of treatment. The two groups were tested by rank sum test, Z = 0.0347, less than 0.05, and the mean value of GGT decrease was 97 in the treatment group and 83 in the control group. The two groups were tested by rank sum test, Z = 0.04519, less than 0.05, with statistical significance.
Conclusion: 1. Through summarizing 43 cases of cytomegalovirus hepatitis, most of them were hospitalized with skin and sclera yellow staining, a few of them were not accompanied with jaundice symptoms. 2. Infant cytomegalovirus hepatitis mostly manifested as cholestatic hepatitis. 3. Infant cytomegalovirus hepatitis has a long history and many complications. 4. Through treatment. Compared with the control group, the treatment group was superior to the control group in improving cholestasis and restoring liver function. It can be seen that this study played a great role in the treatment of infantile cytomegalovirus hepatitis, and confirmed Professor Pei Xueyi's clinical experience in treating infantile cytomegalovirus hepatitis, that is, jaundice was the main treatment in the early stage and hepatic enzyme was the main treatment in the recovery stage. The treatment is mainly divided into two stages, namely, the gallbladder and the yellow and the liver.
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