[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the etiological detection results of pediatric pneumonia in Dali Hospital, to understand the etiological prevalence of pediatric pneumonia in Dali area, and to guide the rational use of drugs in clinic. Methods: five respiratory viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (Respiratorysyncytialvirus,RSV), influenza A virus (InfluenzaAvirus,IFVA), influenza B virus (InfluenzaBvirus,IFVB), parainfluenza virus (Parainfluenzavirus,PIV) and adenovirus (Adenovirus,ADV), were detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay in 276 children with pneumonia at the early stage of the disease, including respiratory syncytial virus (Respiratorysyncytialvirus,RSV), influenza A virus (InfluenzaAvirus,IFVA), influenza B virus (InfluenzaBvirus,IFVB) and parainfluenza virus (Parainfluenzavirus,PIV). Four types of atypical pathogens include mycoplasma pneumoniae (mycoplasmapneumonia,MP), chlamydia pneumoniae (Chlamydiapneumonia,CPn) and Legionella pneumophila type 1 (Richettsiaquery,QFR). The results were analyzed by SPSS13.0 software package and chi-square test was used to compare the prevalence of nine pathogens in different age groups and the epidemic characteristics related to season, residence and sex. Results: among 276 children tested, 121 (43.8%) were positive for pathogen antibody, 25 (9.1%) were positive for respiratory virus antibody (25 / 276), 6.9% (19 / 276) for single common respiratory virus, and 4.3% (12 / 276) for influenza B virus. There were 58 (21.0%) (58 / 276) of atypical pathogens positive, 54 (19.6%) (54 / 276) of single four atypical pathogens, in which mycoplasma accounted for 18.8% (52 / 276). 38 cases of mixed infections (virus and atypical pathogens). Mycoplasma pneumoniae combined with other viruses was the main infection, accounting for 10.9% (30 / 276). Virus, atypical pathogens and mixed infection were significantly different among infant group, infant group and child group (P0.05). The detection rate of infantile virus was higher than that of infant group (P0.05); the prevalence of virus, atypical pathogen and mixed infection in summer and autumn was higher than that in summer and autumn (P0.05). The distribution of atypical pathogens and mixed infections was related to the living area, the children in urban areas, atypical pathogens and mixed infections were significantly higher than those in rural areas (P0.05); viruses, atypical pathogens and mixed infections were not related to the gender of children. Virus infection was common in winter and spring, mostly in infants under one year old, in rural areas and higher than in urban areas, four common atypical pathogens were mainly mycoplasma, and mixed infections were mainly mycoplasma pneumoniae combined with other viruses. Both occurred in winter and spring, mainly in children over 3 years old, and higher in towns than in rural areas. Conclusion: 1. In Dali area, five common respiratory viruses, four atypical pathogens, and mixed infection of virus and atypical pathogen account for a certain proportion of the pathogens of pneumonia in children. One of the most common respiratory viruses is influenza B virus infection. Among the four atypical pathogens, the single infection was mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. Mixed infection (mixed infection of virus and atypical pathogen), mycoplasma pneumoniae combined with other virus infection accounted for 10.9% (30 / 276). 2. Virus, atypical pathogen, virus and atypical pathogen of mixed infection prevalence also associated with age, season, By detecting the IgM antibodies of nine common pathogens in respiratory tract, the infection of five viruses and four atypical pathogens in children's pneumonia can be determined in this area, which provides guidance for rational use of drugs in clinic.
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