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发布时间:2018-12-12 10:13
【摘要】:目的和意义:观察刺四缝及调脾合剂治疗小儿厌食症脾运失健证的临床疗效。通过临床研究获得外治法结合口服中成药比单纯用口服中成药治疗小儿厌食症的优越性,进一步丰富治疗小儿厌食症的内容,为临床常见、影响儿童健康的小儿厌食症研究出有效、安全、便于推广应用的中医治疗方法。 研究方法:所有病例来自江苏省中医院儿科门诊,采用随机对照试验设计法,将受试病例按1:1比例随机分为试验组和对照组(试验组30例,对照组30例),试验组采用调脾合剂联合刺四缝治疗:调脾合剂(苍术280g,佩兰280g,陈皮128g,炙内金128g,炒山楂280g,蔗糖80g)口服,刺四缝是用三棱针刺入患儿双手四缝约1分深,挤出淡黄色液体;对照组单纯采用调脾合剂口服治疗。调脾合剂用量用法为小于1岁儿童每次5mL,1~3岁儿童每次10mL,3~6岁儿童每次15mL,大于6岁儿童每次20mL,均每日3次,口服,2周为1个疗程,治疗2个疗程。刺四缝用法为1周点刺1次,2周为1个疗程,治疗2个疗程。 结果:治疗组痊愈14例,占46.7%,显效8例,占26.7%,进步5例,占16.6%,无效3例,占10.0%,总有效率90.0%;对照组痊愈7例,占23.3%,显效7例,占23.3%,进步3例,占10.0%,无效13例,占43.4%,总有效率56.6%;两组比较,在总体疗效上,P0.05,差异有统计学意义;两组治疗后患儿血红蛋白及微量元素锌变化量比较,差异有显著统计学意义(P0.05),治疗组在主症即改善食欲、食量程度上均优于对照组,在次症即面色、形体消瘦程度、舌象、脉象等方面改善程度上亦优于对照组,说明治疗组对小儿厌食症治疗的临床疗效均优于对照组。另外两组患儿治疗期间均没有出现严重不良反应。 结论:通过临床研究,外治法联合口服中成药治疗组的疗效明显优于单纯口服中成药对照组,有显著统计学意义(P0.05)。而且针刺四缝穴方法日益体现出其祖国医学的优势,简单、易于操作、疗效肯定,方便推广。
[Abstract]:Objective and significance: to observe the clinical effect of Siniao and Tiaopi mixture in treating children anorexia. The advantages of external therapy combined with oral Chinese patent medicine in the treatment of infantile anorexia were obtained through clinical research. It is common in clinic to enrich the content of treatment of infantile anorexia. Infantile anorexia, which affects children's health, has developed effective, safe and convenient traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment. Methods: all the cases came from the pediatric outpatient department of Jiangsu Provincial traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. The patients were randomly divided into the trial group (30 cases in the experimental group, 30 cases in the control group) and the control group (30 cases in the control group) according to the 1:1 ratio. The experimental group was treated with Tiaopi mixture combined with four seams: Tiaopi mixture (280g Atractylodes, 280g Perrin, 128g Chen Pei, 128g broiled Hawthorn, 280g sucrose). Extrusion of yellowish liquid; The control group was treated with Tiaopi mixture orally. The dosage of Tiaopi mixture was as follows: the dosage of Tiaopi mixture was 15 mL / time in children aged less than 1 year old and 20 mL / time in children aged 10 mL / 3 and 20 mL / time in children aged less than 6 years. The dosage of Tiaopi mixture was taken orally, 2 weeks as a course of treatment for 2 courses of treatment. Four seams were used as 1 week prick, 2 weeks as a course of treatment, 2 courses of treatment. Results: in the treatment group, 14 cases were cured (46.7%), 8 cases (26.7%) were markedly effective, 5 cases (16.6%) were improved, 3 cases (10.0%) were ineffective, and the total effective rate was 90.0%. In the control group, 7 cases were cured (23. 3%), 7 cases were markedly effective (23. 3%), 3 cases were improved, 13 cases were ineffective, 13 cases were ineffective, and the total effective rate was 56. 6%. Compared with the two groups, the overall curative effect, P0.05, the difference was statistically significant; The changes of hemoglobin and trace element zinc in the two groups were significantly different after treatment (P0.05). In the treatment group, the appetite was improved and the amount of food was better than that in the control group. The improvement of tongue and pulse was better than that of the control group, which indicated that the treatment group was superior to the control group in the treatment of infantile anorexia. In the other two groups, there was no serious adverse reaction during the treatment. Conclusion: through the clinical research, the curative effect of external treatment combined with oral Chinese patent medicine treatment group is obviously better than that of the simple oral Chinese patent medicine control group, which has significant statistical significance (P0.05). And the method of acupuncture on Sijiao points is more and more superior in traditional Chinese medicine, which is simple, easy to operate, effective and easy to popularize.


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