发布时间:2018-12-13 13:58
【摘要】:目的:探讨儿童腺病毒肺炎的流行特征、临床特点、胸部X片与胸部CT影像表现特点,提高对该病的影像诊断能力,为临床提供帮助。 方法:收集从2010年4月到2011年4月我院确诊的腺病毒肺炎147例,所有病例鼻咽部脱落细胞用免疫荧光法检测腺病毒抗原均阳性,重症病例采用中华医学会儿科学分会呼吸组制定的重度肺炎诊断标准。据此标准在本组147例中,普通型91例,重症型56例。113例患儿行胸部X片检查,其中42例随访2次及以上;82例行胸部CT检查,26例随访2次及以上。回顾性分析其胸部X片和胸部CT影像资料,并结合临床进行分析,统计软件使用SPSS17.0。 结果: 1.腺病毒肺炎的流行病学特征:147例腺病毒肺炎患儿中,男97例,女50例,男:女=1.9:1,年龄13天~10岁7月,≤5岁患儿93.1%(138/147),6月~2岁患儿59.9%(88/147),2010年冬季出现儿童腺病毒肺炎的发病高峰。 2.腺病毒肺炎的临床特征:发热95.2%(140/147),其中高热82.3%(121/147),平均热程10.39±6.75天。腺病毒肺炎易出现多系统损害,重症型出现中毒性心肌炎、中毒性脑病、中毒性肝炎等损害较普通型比例高,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.302、17.238、5.106,P<0.05)。 3.腺病毒肺炎胸部X片表现:间质性改变多见,达92.0%(104/113);实变以小叶实质浸润性病变居多66.4%(75/113),其中双肺受累84.0%(63/75);肺段及大叶实质浸润性病变48.7%(55/113),受累肺叶以左肺下叶最多见,右肺上叶次之,左肺上叶最少见;肺不张10.6%(12/113);胸膜增厚5.3%(6/113),胸腔积液6.2%(7/113)。4.腺病毒肺炎胸部CT表现:重症型以双肺多发团簇状实变为著76.8%(43/56),此类团簇状实变多密度较高、边缘模糊、强化均匀,向心性分布多见。重症型小气道改变发生率明显高于普通组,统计有显著性差异(χ2=12.094,P<0.05)。 结论:1.重庆地区2010年儿童腺病毒肺炎以冬季较高发,≤5岁儿童易感染腺病毒肺炎,临床上腺病毒肺炎发热时间长,高热多见,,重症型易出现多脏器损害; 2.腺病毒肺炎胸部X片以肺间质改变多见,实变以小叶实质浸润和肺段及肺叶实质浸润居多,受累肺叶以左肺下叶最多,胸腔积液及胸膜增厚少见。 3.重症型腺病毒肺炎在胸部CT上以双肺多发团簇状实变为特点,此类实变密度较高、边缘模糊、强化均匀,多呈向心性分布,重症型 易发生小气道改变,应加强随访警惕闭塞性细支气管炎发生。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the epidemic and clinical characteristics of adenovirus pneumonia in children, and to improve the diagnostic ability of chest X ray and chest CT. Methods: 147 cases of adenovirus pneumonia diagnosed in our hospital from April 2010 to April 2011 were collected. The exfoliated cells of nasopharynx were detected positive by immunofluorescence method. Severe cases were diagnosed by the respiratory group of the Chinese Academy of Pediatrics. According to the standard, 91 cases of common type and 56 cases of severe type were performed chest X-ray examination, 42 of them were followed up for 2 times or more, and 82 cases were followed up for 2 times and more than 2 times for CT examination, and 26 cases were followed up for 2 times or more. The chest X ray and chest CT imaging data were analyzed retrospectively, and the clinical data were analyzed. SPSS17.0. was used as the statistical software. Results: 1. Epidemiological characteristics of adenovirus pneumonia: among 147 children with adenovirus pneumonia, 97 were male, 50 female, male: female = 1.9: 1, age 13 days to 10 years old July, 鈮
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the epidemic and clinical characteristics of adenovirus pneumonia in children, and to improve the diagnostic ability of chest X ray and chest CT. Methods: 147 cases of adenovirus pneumonia diagnosed in our hospital from April 2010 to April 2011 were collected. The exfoliated cells of nasopharynx were detected positive by immunofluorescence method. Severe cases were diagnosed by the respiratory group of the Chinese Academy of Pediatrics. According to the standard, 91 cases of common type and 56 cases of severe type were performed chest X-ray examination, 42 of them were followed up for 2 times or more, and 82 cases were followed up for 2 times and more than 2 times for CT examination, and 26 cases were followed up for 2 times or more. The chest X ray and chest CT imaging data were analyzed retrospectively, and the clinical data were analyzed. SPSS17.0. was used as the statistical software. Results: 1. Epidemiological characteristics of adenovirus pneumonia: among 147 children with adenovirus pneumonia, 97 were male, 50 female, male: female = 1.9: 1, age 13 days to 10 years old July, 鈮