[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the relationship between EGF and late breast-milk jaundice in term neonates, and to explore the best detection site of TcB in children. Methods: 75 children with late-onset breast milk jaundice (experimental group) and 25 normal newborns (control group) from pediatric outpatient clinic were selected to compare the difference of EGF in serum and breast milk between the two groups. The serum bilirubin and serum and EGF in breast milk of 30 children with late-onset breast milk jaundice were compared before and after stopping breast milk for 72 hours. The concentration of EGF was detected by Elisa method. At the same time, JH20-1C percutaneous jaundice tester was used to measure the frontal part and chest TcB, of children before both and the mean value was recorded as frontothorax TcB.. The TcB value of different parts was compared with the TSB value, and the best detection site of TcB and the difference between TcB and TSB value were discussed. Results: 1the TSB value, serum and EGF concentration of breast milk in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group (233.16 卤41.93 渭 mol/L VS115.7 卤33.89 渭 mol/L, P 0.01), 556.37 卤169.5pg/ml VS493.24 卤159.82 PG / ml, respectively. (338.59 卤99.87pg/ml VS317.92 卤85.70 PG / ml P 0.05). The TSB value and serum EGF concentration of 230 matched children after stopping breast milk decreased significantly (228.82 卤41.07 渭 mol/L VS159.05 卤48.74 渭 mol/L,P0.001, respectively). About 24.8- 36.4cm; 502.27 卤188.40pg/ml VS444.81 卤134.18 PG / ml P 0.05). There was no significant difference in the concentration of EGF between breast milk and breast milk before and after withdrawal (343.50 卤95.23pg/ml VS338.81 卤104.03pg/ml). 3TcBamount, TcB_ (frontothorax), TcB_ chest and TSB value were positively correlated (r _ r = 0.815, r _ 0. 815, r = 0. 815, r = 0. 815). P0.001; R forehead chest = 0.812g P 0.001rthorax = 0.798g P0.001). 4TcBx, TcB forehead chest, TcB_ chest value were higher than TSB value about 2.131.53 ~ 0.98mg / dL on average. The chest is the best detection site for TcB. Conclusion: EGF may be associated with late breast milk jaundice in term neonates. The chest can be used as the best site for TcB detection. TcB is about 1-2 mg / dl. higher than TSB. The difference between TcB and TSB should be taken into account in clinical diagnosis and treatment of percutaneous bilirubin.
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