发布时间:2019-03-16 16:29
【摘要】:庞贝氏症(Pompe disease),又称为酸性麦芽糖酵素缺乏症(acid maltasedeficiency,AMD)或肝糖储积症第二型(glycogenstoragedisorder,GSD;glycogenosisII),是一种罕见疾病。其成因为第17对染色体出现病变,导致体内缺乏酸性α-葡萄糖苷酶这种酵素,而无法分解肝糖,会导致肌肉无力,心脏扩大等病因,可分成婴儿型及晚发型两种,刚出生的婴儿若得此病症,,通常活不过1~2岁。然而,目前对其分子遗传机制的研究尚不完善和系统。本研究是基于基因表达谱公共数据库GEO(Gene Expression Omnibus)中关于庞贝氏症婴幼儿发病患者的芯片数据,运用R软件和Biocondutor数据包,采用非配对t检验统计分析方法进行差异显著性分析,并进行Benjamini-Hochberg多重检验。最终我们得到了与婴儿型庞贝氏症显著性相关的基因共6264个(p≤0.01),并绘制出其在各个样本中的表达量值的散点热图和趋势图,以此来显示与婴儿型庞贝氏症显著性相关的差异表达基因的特征,并利用这些基因构建婴儿型庞贝氏症基因数据库。接着,为了确定所筛选出来的显著性差异表达基因所参与的通路以及相关的功能注释,我们采用费舍尔精确性检验(Fisher exacttest)原理并结合KEGG数据库及DAVID网络数据库工具对差显基因进行通路分析和功能分析。我们最终得到与婴儿型庞贝氏症存在显著性正相关的918个基因所涉及的通路有3个(包括溶酶体通路、p53信号通路和细胞外基质受体互作通路),而对于负相关的759个基因则存在4个显著性通路(包括钙信号转导通路、缬氨酸,亮氨酸和异亮氨酸的降解通路、昼夜节律通路和帕金森疾病通路);另外,我们得到与婴儿型庞贝氏症存在显著性负相关的759个基因所涉及的生物学过程功能注释有4个(包括细胞代谢进程、分解代谢进程、初级代谢进程和大分子代谢过程),而对于正相关的918个基因则存在7个显著性生物学过程功能注释(包括化学刺激反应、解剖结构发育、生物学进程正调控、细胞发育进程、细胞进程正调控、细胞凋亡和细胞粘附)。这些遗传信息都可作为我们进一步研究婴儿型庞贝氏症的可靠资源和渠道,并最终为系统性阐述婴儿型庞贝氏症的分子遗传学机制服务。
[Abstract]:Pompeii's disease (Pompe disease), also known as acidic maltase deficiency (acid maltasedeficiency,AMD) or hepatic glucose accumulation type II (glycogenstoragedisorder,GSD;glycogenosisII), is a rare disease. As a result of 17 pairs of chromosome lesions, resulting in the lack of acid 伪-glucosidase in the body this enzyme, but unable to break down liver sugar, will lead to muscle weakness, heart enlargement and other causes, can be divided into two types of infantile and late-onset. New-born babies usually die of 1 / 2 years of age if they get the disease. However, the study of its molecular genetic mechanism is not perfect and systematic. This study is based on the microarray data of Pompeii disease infant patients in the public database of gene expression profile (GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus). Using R software and Biocondutor data packet, the statistical analysis method of unpaired t-test was used to analyze the significance of the difference. Benjamini-Hochberg multiple tests were performed. Finally, we obtained a total of 6264 genes associated with the significance of infantile Pompeii's disease (p 鈮
[Abstract]:Pompeii's disease (Pompe disease), also known as acidic maltase deficiency (acid maltasedeficiency,AMD) or hepatic glucose accumulation type II (glycogenstoragedisorder,GSD;glycogenosisII), is a rare disease. As a result of 17 pairs of chromosome lesions, resulting in the lack of acid 伪-glucosidase in the body this enzyme, but unable to break down liver sugar, will lead to muscle weakness, heart enlargement and other causes, can be divided into two types of infantile and late-onset. New-born babies usually die of 1 / 2 years of age if they get the disease. However, the study of its molecular genetic mechanism is not perfect and systematic. This study is based on the microarray data of Pompeii disease infant patients in the public database of gene expression profile (GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus). Using R software and Biocondutor data packet, the statistical analysis method of unpaired t-test was used to analyze the significance of the difference. Benjamini-Hochberg multiple tests were performed. Finally, we obtained a total of 6264 genes associated with the significance of infantile Pompeii's disease (p 鈮