发布时间:2019-03-18 12:23
【摘要】:正1病例简介患者,2岁4月,因"反复阴道褐色分泌物3月"就诊。母亲孕期和哺乳期无特殊药物史及激素接触史,母乳喂养至15月,无外伤、特殊疾病及药物史。查体:体重16kg,身高95cm,全身未见皮疹,乳房发育Tanner Ⅲ级,阴毛发育Tanner Ⅱ级,大阴唇稍肥厚,其余无特殊。骨龄相当3.3岁。2月前妇科超声示:子宫前位,前后径1.7cm,内膜0.15cm(单层),右附件2.1cm×1.8cm×1.9cm弱回声,内见直径
[Abstract]:Case 1 patient, 2-year-old April, due to recurrent vaginal brown secretions for 3 months. Mother has no history of special drugs and hormone exposure during pregnancy and lactation, breastfeeding to 15 months, no trauma, special diseases and drug history. Body examination: weight 16 kg, height 95 cm, no rash found in the whole body, Tanner 鈪,
[Abstract]:Case 1 patient, 2-year-old April, due to recurrent vaginal brown secretions for 3 months. Mother has no history of special drugs and hormone exposure during pregnancy and lactation, breastfeeding to 15 months, no trauma, special diseases and drug history. Body examination: weight 16 kg, height 95 cm, no rash found in the whole body, Tanner 鈪,