[Abstract]:Objective to observe the changes of antral follicle number, ovarian volume and ovarian interstitial blood flow perfusion in patients with decreased ovarian reserve function and premature ovarian failure by transvaginal three-dimensional ultrasound. Objective: to evaluate the value of three-dimensional ultrasound in quantitative evaluation of ovarian reserve function and premature ovarian failure. Materials and methods 1. From October 2014 to November 2016, 100 female patients with normal ovarian reserve function and 60 patients with reduced ovarian reserve function in (DOR) group were selected according to the excluded criteria for ultrasound examination in the outpatient clinic of the Chinese people's Liberation Army General Hospital. Ovarian premature failure (POF) group 60. 2. Record the patient's age, menstrual cycle, menstrual period and other general conditions. During the 3-5 days of menstrual cycle, six basic sex hormones were taken, and the examination time of amenorrhea was not limited. At the same time, the vagina was examined by three dimensional power Doppler ultrasound. The following parameters were obtained by quantitative analysis of ovary by three-dimensional ultrasound post-processing software (VOCAL,Sono AVC): antral follicle count (AFC), ovarian volume (0V), ovarian vascularization index (VI), blood flow index (FI), vascularization index (VFI). 4. The age, menstrual cycle and menstrual period of each group were compared. The three dimensional ultrasound parameters of left and right ovaries in each group were compared. The difference of three dimensional ultrasound parameters was compared, the ROC curve was drawn, and the area (areas under curve, AUC) and critical value under the (SE), specificity (SP), curve were calculated for the diagnosis of ovarian dysfunction and premature ovarian failure. Result 1. The age of DOR group was higher than that of normal group (P 0. 01). There was no significant difference between DOR group and POF group (P0.05). The menstrual cycle length of the three groups was prolonged in turn, that is, normal group, DOR group, POF group, the difference was statistically significant (P 0. 0. (05) .3. There was no significant difference in menstrual length among the three groups (P0. (05) 4. There was no significant difference in three dimensional ultrasound parameters between the left and right ovaries in each group (P 0. 0. (05) .5. The AFC,OV,VI,FI,VFI of the three groups decreased in turn, that is, the normal group, DOR group, POF group, the difference was statistically significant (P 0. 05). 6. The area under the ROC curve of the normal group compared with the DOR group is 0. 5%. The sensitivity and specificity were 0. 933,0. The area under the ROC curve of OV is 0. 0. The sensitivity and specificity were 0. 933,0. The area under the ROC curve of 735 VI is 0. The sensitivity and specificity were 0. 900,0. The area under the ROC curve of FI is 0. The sensitivity and specificity were 0. 917,0. The area under the ROC curve of VFI was 0.903, the sensitivity and specificity were 0.903, respectively. The area under the ROC curve of the 917 AFC 0.645.DOR group compared with the POF group was 0. 5%. The sensitivity and specificity were 0. 925,0. The area under the OV ROC curve is 0. The sensitivity and specificity were 0. 958,0. The area under the ROC curve of VI is 0. 0. The sensitivity and specificity were 0. 942,0. The area under the ROC curve of FI is 0. 7. 929, the sensitivity and specificity were O. 925 and 0, respectively. The area under the ROC curve of VFI is 0. The sensitivity and specificity were 0.942 and 0.842, respectively. Conclusion three-dimensional ultrasound quantitative index AFC,OV, can predict ovarian reserve function. Among the quantitative indexes of three dimensional ultrasound, the predictive value of AFC on ovarian reserve function was the highest and the ovarian perfusion index was the lowest. The value of VFI was higher than that of VI,FI.AFC,OV, in predicting premature ovarian failure. The application of transvaginal three dimensional ultrasound power Doppler and VOCAL,SonoAVC post-processing technology makes the measurement of ovarian perfusion in AFC,OV, more accurate and reliable. It has a wide range of research and application value in the evaluation of ovarian reserve function.
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