发布时间:2018-12-31 11:19
【摘要】:正孕妇,28岁,孕23周,来我院行胎儿产前系统超声检查。超声检查:可见一形态学正常胎儿,双顶径59 mm,头围221 mm,腹围197 mm,股骨长37 mm,肱骨长36 mm,羊水无回声区最大深度74 mm,内未见明显羊膜带状回声,后壁胎盘厚约29 mm、Ⅰ级。胎心率131次/min,可见脐静脉搏动征,脐动脉S/D 2.13(图1)。胎儿颅骨光环完整,颈部皮肤褶皱层厚9 mm,颜面部正
[Abstract]:Pregnant woman, 28 years old, 23 weeks pregnant, come to our hospital for prenatal ultrasound examination. Ultrasound examination showed a normal fetal with a biparietal diameter of 59 mm, abdominal circumference of 221 mm, femoral length of 37 mm, length of humerus, length of 36 mm, humerus length, and maximum depth of amniotic fluid at 74 mm,. There was no obvious amniotic band echo within 74 mm,. The posterior wall placenta thickness was about 29 mm, 鈪,
[Abstract]:Pregnant woman, 28 years old, 23 weeks pregnant, come to our hospital for prenatal ultrasound examination. Ultrasound examination showed a normal fetal with a biparietal diameter of 59 mm, abdominal circumference of 221 mm, femoral length of 37 mm, length of humerus, length of 36 mm, humerus length, and maximum depth of amniotic fluid at 74 mm,. There was no obvious amniotic band echo within 74 mm,. The posterior wall placenta thickness was about 29 mm, 鈪,