发布时间:2018-01-04 04:05
本文关键词:一例子宫破裂误诊病例分析 出处:《临床医药文献电子杂志》2016年39期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 子宫破裂 胎儿畸形 心率正常 药物引产 末次月经 病例摘要 脊柱裂 周前 误诊病例分析 晚期妊娠
【摘要】:正病例摘要:患者39岁,主因"停经7月余,发现胎儿畸形1周"于2016-09-17入院;患者末次月经不详,根据B超核对为27周+。1周前B超提示"胎儿畸形,脊柱裂可能",于当地医院行药物引产,米非司酮25 mg po tid,共2日,2日后予以阴道放置米索前列醇50μg,引产失败,要求进一步治疗入我院。既往体健,G3P3;入院查体:T36.6℃,P120次/分(之后监测心率正常),R20次/分,BP104/72 mmH g,心肺未闻及异常,腹软,膨隆,宫底脐上三指,
[Abstract]:Positive case Abstract: the 39-year-old patient was admitted to hospital in 2016-09-17 because of "one week of fetal malformation found on July after menopause"; The last menstruation of the patient was unknown. According to the B-mode ultrasound examination of 27 weeks before the 1st week, B-mode ultrasound suggested that "fetal malformation, possible spina bifida", the local hospital drug induced labor, mifepristone 25 mg po tid. In 2nd, 50 渭 g misoprostol was placed in vagina after 2nd, which failed to induce labor and required further treatment. The patients were examined at 1: T36.6 鈩,