发布时间:2018-02-27 13:28
本文关键词: 供精人工授精 伦理困境 伦理原则 解决途径 出处:《天津医科大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:供精人工授精(Artificial Insemination Using Semen From Donor)简称AID,也称异质人工授精、非配偶人工授精,专指用丈夫以外的第三人的精子进行人工授精(包括体内和体外),使女性怀孕的非自然生殖技术。与夫精人工授精相比,其最大的区别在于精子的提供者不是接受人工授精女性的丈夫,而是丈夫以外的其他人。这种生殖方式直接改变了传统的家庭观念和亲子观念。因此,如何直面供精人工授精技术引导的伦理问题,成为我们这个时代无法回避的重要现实问题。现代人类辅助生殖技术特别是供精人工授精技术在帮助人类解决生育问题时,一方面契合了中国传统社会中“多子多福”、注重血缘亲情的传统幸福观,另一方面又引发了一系列道德难题,诸如乱伦的道德风险、人伦关系的紊乱和模糊、AID子女道德地位的如何确定等问题,对传统婚姻家庭观带来巨大伦理挑战,影响着人们源于生育的幸福感受力。基于此,我们应当遵循不伤害原则、仁爱原则、公益原则等原则来对供精人工受精技术进行道德规约,使供精人工授精技术真正造福于人类。 据世界卫生组织(WHO)评估,每7对夫妇中约有1对夫妇存在生殖障碍。我国近期调查,国内不孕症者占已婚夫妇人数的10%,比1984年调查的4.8%增加一倍多,发病率呈上升趋势。随着冷冻生物学及生殖医学的迅猛发展,人类精子库的建立极大地帮助了那些由于患少、弱以及无精子症而不能正常生育后代的男性。由于我国传宗接代的观念根深蒂固,这个思想严重影响着每个家庭,盼子心切便是每个已婚家庭所面临的首要问题,受这种大风向的影响,不孕不育夫妇所要面临着诸多困境,来自于家庭乃至社会所带来的压力。随着人类辅助生殖技术的发展和临床应用,在很大程度上能够帮助人类解决生育问题,避免因无法生育带来的社会问题。但是人类辅助生殖技术在帮助人类解决现实的生育问题的同时,也引发了诸多伦理冲突和道德争议。特别是供精人工授精技术对传统的婚姻家庭观带来了颠覆性的影响。
[Abstract]:Artificial Insemination Using Semen From donor, also known as heterogeneous artificial insemination, non-spouse artificial insemination, Artificial insemination (in vivo and in vitro) using sperm of a third person, other than the husband, is an unnatural reproductive technique that makes a woman pregnant. The biggest difference is that the sperm provider is not the husband of a woman who accepts artificial insemination, but someone other than her husband. How to face up to the ethical problems of artificial insemination with sperm supply technology has become an important practical problem that cannot be avoided in our times. Modern assisted reproductive technology, especially artificial insemination technology for sperm supply, is helping human beings to solve fertility problems. On the one hand, it coincides with the traditional view of happiness in traditional Chinese society of "having more children and more happiness" and pays more attention to blood and kinship. On the other hand, it also leads to a series of moral problems, such as the moral hazard of incest. The disorder of human relations and how to determine the moral status of the children of AID bring great ethical challenges to the traditional view of marriage and family, and affect people's sense of happiness derived from fertility. Based on this, we should follow the principle of no harm. The principle of benevolence and the principle of commonweal are used to regulate the technology of artificial insemination, so that the technology of artificial insemination can benefit mankind. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about one in seven couples has reproductive disabilities. According to a recent survey in China, infertility accounts for 10 of the married couples, more than double the 4.8% in the 1984 survey. Morbidity is on the rise. With the rapid development of cryobiology and reproductive medicine, the establishment of human sperm banks has greatly helped those with fewer diseases. Weak and azoospermic men who are unable to give birth to normal offspring. Because of the deep-rooted concept of lineage in our country, this idea seriously affects every family, and longing for children is the primary problem facing every married family. Under the influence of this great wind, infertile couples have to face many difficulties, which come from the pressure of family and society. With the development of human assisted reproductive technology and clinical application, To a large extent, it can help humans to solve fertility problems and avoid social problems caused by infertility. But human assisted reproductive technology can help humans solve real fertility problems at the same time. It also leads to many ethical conflicts and moral controversies, especially the subversive influence of artificial insemination technology on the traditional view of marriage and family.
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