[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the correlation between routine microscopic examination, fluorescent PCR nucleic acid amplification and fungal coloration in vaginal secretions. Methods A total of 500 positive and 500 negative specimens of vaginal secretions were collected from suspected vaginitis patients from 2014 to 2016. The type of Candida was identified by fluorescence PCR nucleic acid amplification. 100 positive samples of fluorescent PCR nucleic acid amplification were cultured to verify the accuracy of the typing results. Results the Kappa value of fluorescence PCR nucleic acid amplification method and routine microscopic examination was 0.632. 382 cases (76.4%) of Candida albicans infection, 73 cases (14.6%) of Candida smoothing infection, 10 cases (2.0%) of Candida tropicalis infection, 3 cases (0.6%) of Candida albicans with Candida smoothing infection and 32 cases of other fungal infections were detected by fluorescence PCR nucleic acid amplification method. Cases (6.4%). 500 cases of vaginal secretions were negative for routine microscopic examination. A total of 152 cases were identified by fluorescence PCR nucleic acid amplification, including 130 cases of Candida albicans, 16 cases of Candida smooth and 6 cases of Candida tropicalis. There was no significant difference between fluorescent PCR nucleic acid amplification method and CHROMAgar rapid chromogenic assay (蠂 ~ 2 ~ (2) 0.131 ~ (-1) P ~ (0. 936). Conclusion for the patients with clinical manifestations and negative microscopic examination, it is recommended to carry out rapid typing or fungal culture identification by fluorescence PCR nucleic acid amplification.
【作者单位】: 四川省人民医院检验科;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(81271047) 四川省科技厅科研基金(2016JY0082) 四川省卫生和计划生育委员会科研基金(17PJ504)
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