[Abstract]:Objective: To study the thyroid function of the offspring exposed to high estrogen in early pregnancy, to compare and analyze the relationship between estrogen level and thyroid hormone level during pregnancy, and to determine the risk of adult diseases caused by high estrogen in utero. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study of thyroid function parameters (T3, FT3, T4, FT4 and TSH) was carried out in 949 children aged 3-10 years, including 357 IVF offspring (Fresh ET group) born during the fresh embryo transfer cycle, 212 IVF offspring (Frozen ET group) born during the frozen embryo transfer cycle, and 380 natural pregnant offspring (NC group). Indicators included the basic conditions of the offspring, the pregnant period of the mother, blood pressure, heart rate, thyroid hormone, blood routine and other indicators of the offspring. Estrogen levels in maternal peripheral blood (single pregnancy) were also measured in 183 neonates, including 55 neonates in Fresh ET group, 48 in Frozen ET group and 80 in NC group. The maternal HCG day estrogen levels were retrospectively reviewed through a medical record system. Results: Birth weight, birth length, pregnancy were excluded. There were no significant differences in blood routine parameters, blood pressure and heart rate among the natural pregnancy group, fresh embryo transfer group and frozen embryo transfer group, but thyroid hormone levels were changed in the offspring. Frozen ET group was selected for frozen-thawed embryo transfer in the natural cycle. The maternal estrogen levels of IVF offspring born in Fresh ET group were significantly higher than those of Frozen ET group and NC group at all time points in the early pregnancy. There was no significant difference in the levels of T4 and TSH between Fresh ET group and NC group except that FT4 levels were intermediate between Fresh ET group and NC group. The levels of T4, FT4 and estrogen on the day of hCG were positively correlated. Conclusion: Pregnant women with ovulation induction therapy were in a hyperestrogenic state beyond the physiological range in the early pregnancy, which is the study of intrauterine hyperestrogen. Preferred exposure models. Over-physiological estradiol levels during embryonic development increase the risk of thyroid dysfunction in IVF offspring. Frozen embryo transfer reduces the risk of thyroid disease in offspring by avoiding intrauterine estrogen-rich environments. Part II Thyroid function in offspring of mice born in intrauterine high estrogen environments Objectives: To study the growth and thyroid function of offspring mice born in hyperestrogenic uterine environment and to determine the risk of adult diseases caused by hyperestrogenic uterine environment. Thyroid gland and blood samples were collected at the 18th day of pregnancy, 3rd and 8th weeks after birth. The birth weight, 3rd and 8th week weight of the offspring of the control group (C) and the high female offspring were measured. The thyroid hormone levels of the offspring were detected by radioimmunoassay; the estrogen levels in the pregnant rats were detected by ELISA kit; the thyroid morphology was observed by HE staining; and the thyroid fluorescence quantitative analysis was performed. The expression of related genes was detected by PCR and immunohistochemistry; the methylation level of CpG island in Pax8 promoter region was detected by bisulfite sequencing; the effect of 17 beta-estradiol on thyroid follicular cell proliferation and the expression of thyroid transcription factor Pax8 and methyltransferase Dnmt 3A were studied in vitro. Results: The gestation time and litter size were different. In addition, the body weight of the offspring of the high female dose group was significantly lower than that of the control group at 0-5 weeks, and there was no significant difference between the male and the control group. The expression of Pax8 and Tpo in the offspring of the high female group was significantly higher than that of the control group at 3 weeks, but there was no significant difference at 8 weeks. In addition, estrogen can promote the proliferation of thyroid follicular cell lines in a concentration-dependent manner, up-regulate the Pax8 gene and down-regulate the Dnmt3a gene in vitro. Conclusion: During the sensitive period of fetal thyroid development in early pregnancy, high concentration of estrogen stimulates the proliferation of thyroid follicular cell lines. Exposure to hormones may alter the methylation of thyroid function-related genes, leading to abnormal thyroid function in offspring. Part III Epigenetic regulation of long-stranded noncoding RNA in thyroid cells exposed to high estrogen. Objective: To study the effects of high estrogen exposure on long-stranded noncoding of thyroid follicular cells. Objective: To screen and verify the biological functions of thyroid-associated lncRNA and explore its molecular mechanisms, to evaluate the role of lncRNA in the development of thyroid dysfunction induced by high estrogen, and to determine the long-chain non-coding RNA that can predict the occurrence of adult diseases caused by high estrogen in utero. Three cases of thyroid follicular cells in estrogen treatment group and three cases in control group were selected for the analysis of lncRNAs expression chip. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to verify the six different lncRNAs in estrogen-treated thyroid follicular cell lines. Bioinformatics was used to analyze the results of the chip, and the target lncRNA was screened out in nthy ori 3-1 cells. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to verify the changes of the expression of lncDSG1 after estrogen treatment. The expression of MDM2 and thyroid cell proliferation were observed after the expression of lncDSG1 was specifically reduced by less than interfering RNA. Results: 188 lncRNAs differentially expressed in thyroid follicular cells exposed to high female were screened and up-regulated by lncRNAs 111. Six notably different lncRNAs were identified in nthy ori 3-1 cells, which were consistent with the results of the chip. The CNC network diagram suggested that LNC DSG1 might affect thyroid function. Further cell experiments confirmed that estrogen could up-regulate the expression of LNC DSG1 and MDM2 genes, but up-regulate the expression of LNC DSG1 and MDM2 genes. Conclusion: High estrogen exposure can induce the alteration of the expression profile of lncRNAs. Estrogen up-regulates the expression of lncRNADSG1 and promotes the expression of MDM2. Interference with lncRNA DSG1 can down-regulate the expression of MDM2 and inhibit the proliferation of thyroid follicular cells. RNA DSG1 may be involved in epigenetic regulation of abnormal thyroid cell function induced by high estrogen exposure.
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