[Abstract]:[objective] to compare the predictive effect of serum 尾-human chorionic gonadotropin (尾-h CG) on pregnancy outcome of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) between cleavage embryo and early stage of blastocyst transplantation. [methods] From June 2010 to May 2015, data of 2 421 patients with intrauterine single pregnancy confirmed by IVF-ET in our center were analyzed. The relationship between serum 尾 -h CG at 14 days after embryo transfer in cleavage stage and serum 尾 -h CG at 12 days after blastocyst transplantation was compared with pregnancy outcome. [results] for patients with clinically confirmed intrauterine pregnancy, The early 尾-h CG level in blastocyst transplantation group was higher than that in cleavage embryo transfer group (687 U / L vs503 U / L). After grouping according to pregnancy outcome, this difference also existed in patients with spontaneous abortion, continuing pregnancy with (OP) and live birth (LB). This difference was only statistically significant in the cryopreservation group according to the fresh or frozen group. For frozen cleavage embryo transfer patients, 尾 -h CG475 UP / L was used as the predictor of live delivery (sensitivity 79.0%, specificity 61.3%). For frozen blastocyst transplantation patients, 尾 -h CG575 U / L was used as the predictor of live birth (sensitivity 74.9%, specificity 59.2%). [conclusion] during the cryopreservation period, The serum 尾-h CG value of blastocyst transplantation was higher than that of cleavage embryo. Early serum 尾-h CG was used to predict pregnancy outcome in different embryo stage. The serum 尾-h CG values of blastocysts or cleavage embryos were effective in predicting the outcome of live delivery.
【作者单位】: 中山大学附属第六医院生殖医学研究中心;南方医科大学南方医院妇产科生殖医学中心;
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