[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the correlation between pregnant body mass index (BMI) and blood glucose in gestational diabetes mellitus (PDM) patients, and to analyze the relationship between weight gain and dietary nutrition intake. In order to provide scientific basis for clinical guidance of pregnant diet. Methods from February 2016 to April 2017, 117 patients with gestational diabetes mellitus were selected and divided into four groups: low body weight group, normal group, overweight group and obesity group. Patients in each group were tested with OGTT, and dietary survey was carried out to count the nutritional intake of the patients. The duration of activity in different groups of patients was compared, and the correlation between weight gain and energy intake of BMI and OGTT, during pregnancy was analyzed. Results under the condition of fasting, there was a significant difference between normal group, overweight and obesity group and low body weight group (P0.05). At 1 hour after meal, there was significant difference between overweight and obesity group and low body weight group and normal group (P0.05), and there was a significant difference between overweight and obesity group and low body weight group and normal group at 1 hour after meal (P0.05). There was no significant difference between normal group and low body weight group, but there was significant difference between obese group and other three groups 2 hours after meal (P0.05). 4 groups of patients had no significant difference in total nutritional intake (P0.05). 3. 2 hours after meal, there was no significant difference in nutritional intake between obese group and other 3 groups (P0.05). The activity time of the patients in each group was longer than that in the other three groups (P0.05). The correlation analysis of BMI and OGTT showed that BMI was positively correlated with blood glucose level. There was a positive correlation between body weight gain and energy intake (P0.05). Conclusion gestational diabetes mellitus is related to weight gain and nutritional imbalance before pregnancy. Nutrition guidance of pregnant women should be strengthened during pregnancy to form good dietary habits and reduce the occurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus.
【作者单位】: 吉林省人口生命科学技术研究院;
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