[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the diagnostic value of Nonionic contrast medium in hysterosalpingography for female infertility and the management of adverse reactions. Methods: 1214 cases of hysterosalpingography in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. The uterine cavity and bilateral fallopian tubes were displayed by hysterosalpingography and the adverse reactions of the patients were analyzed retrospectively. Results: among the 1214 cases, there were 126cases of uterine cavity abnormality, including 25 cases of congenital uterine dysplasia and congenital malformation, 3 cases of infantile uterus, 2 cases of single angle, 1 case of double angle and 18 cases of saddle shape. There were 1 case of double uterus and double vagina and 101 cases of acquired lesion: 81 cases of uterine cavity adhesion and 20 cases of cesarean incision diverticulum. There were 83 cases of bilateral patency of fallopian tubes, 317 cases of unilateral obstruction, 854 cases of bilateral obstruction, 769 cases of unilateral obstruction, 99 cases of bilateral obstruction and 124 cases of unilateral obstruction. The adverse reactions were mild in all patients and disappeared quickly after operation. Conclusion: Nonionic contrast tube is convenient to use in hysterosalpingography with good imaging quality and light adverse reaction. It can be widely used in clinical practice.
【作者单位】: 同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院放射科;复旦大学附属华山医院放射科;
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