[Abstract]:Objective To investigate the application of dual stimulation and microstimulation and antagonist in in-vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVFET) in patients with a decrease in ovarian reserve function (DOR). Methods A retrospective analysis of 283 patients with DOR was performed, including 204 cases of double stimulation,79 of the antagonist, and the result of the stimulation of each regimen. Results The number of oocytes, the number of available embryos, the number of high-quality embryos, the number of days and the dosage of the stimulation, the progesterone (P) value of the trigger was higher than that of the follicular phase, and the level of the luteinizing hormone (LH) on the trigger was lower than that of the follicular phase. The number of oocytes, the number of high-quality embryos, the number of growth-promoting days and the dosage of the antagonist are higher than that of the double-stimulation follicular phase, and the LH value of the trigger day is lower than that of the dual-stimulation follicular phase, and the difference of the number of available embryos in the two groups is not statistically significant. In the two groups, the number of ovulation and the dosage of the two groups were higher than that of the antagonist group. The LH value of the trigger day was lower than that of the antagonist group. The number of eggs, the number of available embryos and the number of the high-quality embryos of the two groups were not statistically significant. There was no significant difference in the rate of available embryos. After two-stage stimulation of the two-stimulation scheme, the available embryo rate is higher than that of the antagonist, and the abortion rate is low. Conclusion The application of double-stimulation to the stimulation of ovulation in the patients with DOR has the same clinical outcome in the case of the combination of the microstimulation and the combination of the antagonist. In the same menstrual cycle, the double-stimulation scheme has shortened the treatment time of IVF-ET, and it is a feasible solution for DOR patients.
【作者单位】: 安徽医科大学附属省立医院生殖医学中心;
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