[Abstract]:Objective: In the treatment of ectopic pregnancy (EP) in the treatment of two-week treatment, the short-term treatment effect of the two-week treatment cycle, the level of the decrease of the value of the chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and the time consumed by the normal value were measured. The time required for the reduction of the pelvic mass, the time required for the disappearance, the adverse reaction after medication and the damage to the function of the liver and the kidney and the function of the hemopoietic function were observed: To discuss the mechanism of Huoxue elimination and the feasibility of the use of mifepristone in the non-damaged tubal pregnancy, and to provide reliable drug use according to the clinical application. Methods:70 patients with non-damaged tubal pregnancy from April 2015 to February 2016 were randomly divided into 2 groups according to the standard, and 35 patients in each group were randomly divided into two groups. In the treatment group, one case was treated with methotrexate (MTX) + mifepristone in one case, and one case was separated from the hospital during the course of treatment; in the control group,2 cases were given emergency operation due to abdominal hemorrhage, and the mass was continuously increased, and the other two cases were discarded according to the standard, and the other two cases were rejected according to the standard. Therefore,33 patients in the final treatment group and 31 patients in the control group. In the treatment group, the treatment group was treated with mifepristone in combination with mifepristone; the control group was treated with mifepristone alone; in the early morning, the control group was fed with mifepristone tablets for 50 mg, and the water was fasted for 3 days before and after 2 hours; In the treatment group, after taking mifepristone according to the above method, the treatment group received the mifepristone and added and added with the addition and the addition of the mifepristone, one dose of the day and the morning and the evening, one week for one course of treatment,2 courses of treatment, and the results of the monitoring of the HCG-HCG on the third, the 7th and the 14th day after the administration are taken, and the B-ultrasonic examination is performed once a week. And finally, the whole curative effect of the two groups, the level of the reduction of the value of the blood-HCG-HCG, the reduction range of the lump of the pregnancy, the reduction of the value of the HCG-HCG to the normal consumption time, the time-consuming and the adverse reaction after the medication, the function of the liver and the kidney and the damage to the hemopoietic function are compared. Results: (1) The total effective rate of the treatment group and the control group was 93.93% in the treatment group, 74.19% in the control group and 74.19% in the control group (P <0.05). (2) The values of the blood pressure-HCG (unit: m IU/ ml) in the treatment group were 253.83, 240.41, 53.68, 38.53, 3.32 and 2.99, respectively. The control group was 365.82, 253.42, 118.28, 138.70, 15.63, 27.33, respectively. The treatment group and the control group had significant difference (P0.05). (3) The value of HCG in the treatment group and the control group decreased to the normal time (unit: day) of 13.85, 2.10, 16.03 and 3.58, respectively. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P0.05). (4) The maximum diameter (in mm) of the 7th and 14th day of the treatment group was 13.43, 5.78, 5.88 and 4.17, respectively, and the control group was 14.03, 4.09, 7.55 and 3.38, respectively (P0.05). (5) The time required for the disappearance of the treatment group and the control group (unit: day) was 19.73, 6.65, 25.74 and 8.92, respectively (P0.05). (6) The treatment group and the control group were compared with the control group, the former was 9.09%. The latter was 22.58%, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05); (7) the rate of liver work and white blood cell injury was compared in the treatment group and the control group, the treatment group was 9.09%, and the control group was 45.16%, and the difference was significant (P0.05); due to the combination of the anti-progestogen effect of the mifepristone and the anti-progestogen effect of the mifepristone, the ectopic pregnancy-eliminating party can quickly kill the embryo, And is an effective method for conservative treatment of non-damaged ectopic pregnancy.
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