[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the effects of fluid resuscitation on electrolyte and coagulation function in hemorrhagic shock rats. Methods: sixty 12-week-old SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: the control group (control group) and the control group. The rats were operated on and monitored only in the control group, but not in the NF group (hemorrhagic shock group). Hemorrhagic shock model but no fluid resuscitation; Normal fluid resuscitation group used 4% succinyl gelatin and compound sodium chloride injection to restore blood pressure to normal level (80mmHg) after the rat shock model was established, and restrictive fluid resuscitation group used 4% succinyl gelatin and 7.5% high level. The rats were resuscitated by osmotic saline and the blood pressure was controlled to 60 mm Hg.The operation was performed on 10 of 15 rats in each group. If the rats died or if the resuscitation effect was unsatisfactory, they were replaced by the remaining 5 rats. After the establishment of the shock model, the shock blood pressure was maintained by intermittent bleeding and blood transfusion for 60 min, and the fluid resuscitation was carried out selectively to different groups of SD rats. The rats were resuscitated to the required blood pressure (75-85mm Hg in conventional fluid resuscitation group, 55-65mmHg in restricted fluid resuscitation group) according to the need and different methods. The peripheral blood electrolyte and coagulation function of rats were measured by 30min. The rats were killed. Results: compared with NC group, the electrolyte disturbance and coagulation dysfunction were more obvious in all groups. NF group was the most serious group, and the restrictive fluid resuscitation group was superior to the non-restrictive fluid resuscitation group. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P0.05). Conclusion: compared with non-fluid resuscitation, restrictive fluid resuscitation can improve coagulation dysfunction and correct electrolyte disturbance in hemorrhagic shock rats, and antishock therapy is better than non-restrictive fluid resuscitation in hemorrhagic shock rats.
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