[Abstract]:Worldwide, more than 70% of people experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime, and about 31% experience four or more. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most common psychological and pathological reaction after traumatic events. The disease has a long course of disease and is easy to recur. Many PTSD patients will suffer from self-harm, suicide and drug abuse, which will cause serious burden to the society. According to the available clinical evidence, cognitive behavioral therapy combined with sertralin or venlafaxine can be used as the basic treatment of PTSD, and then a combination of specific drugs according to the patient's primary symptoms. How to make PTSD patients survive the acute phase more smoothly, reduce self-maiming behavior and solve the common loneliness and helplessness are the latest challenges to clinicians.
【作者单位】: 广州中医药大学;广东省人口发展研究院;华南理工大学;
【基金】:2016年广州中医药大学中医心理学应用研究团队项目(2016KYTD08) 2016年国家留学基金委员会公派博士研究生项目(留金发[2016]3100号) 2015年广州中医药大学优秀博士论文培育项目(20152108112)
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