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发布时间:2018-05-17 01:18

  本文选题:学龄前儿童 + 龋病 ; 参考:《山西医科大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:了解大同市3~5岁儿童乳牙患龋状况、儿童饮食习惯、口腔卫生习惯、就诊情况和家长口腔保健知识/态度的情况,为大同市儿童乳牙龋病的防治工作提供流行病学依据。方法:采用分层、整群、等容量随机抽样的方法,随机抽取大同市城区3所幼儿园共324名儿童。每所幼儿园3、4、5岁儿童各36人,男童、女童各半。(一)、临床检查以视诊结合探诊的方法,检查每位儿童20颗乳牙的牙冠状况。根据记录结果计算儿童乳牙患龋率、龋均、就诊率。检查器械主要使用CPI探针、带光源口镜、棉签。(二)、问卷部分对儿童家长进行一对一询问,了解儿童饮食习惯、口腔卫生习惯、就诊情况和家长口腔保健知识/态度的情况。所有检查结果核实录入后使用SPSS l7.0软件进行统计学分析。结果:1.患龋情况大同市3-5岁儿童患龋率为56.17%,龋均为3.12,有98.02%的龋齿尚未得到治疗。患龋率随年龄增长显著上升(c2=15.746,P0.001),但在男女间没有明显差异(c2=0.451,P=0.502)。乳牙龋病呈低龄化趋势,3岁幼儿患龋率已达到40.74%。显著性龋均为7.79,是整体龋均的2.5倍。2.儿童饮食习惯半数以上的儿童有睡前进食甜点或甜饮料的习惯。甜饮料的进食频率控制效果相对理想。睡前进食甜食的习惯对患龋率有影响(P=0.027)。3.口腔卫生习惯在324名受检儿童中,有31.8%的儿童三岁之前已经开始刷牙,35.2%三岁开始刷牙,有9.9%三岁之后(四岁和五岁)开始刷牙,21.9%的儿童尚未开始刷牙。在已经开始刷牙的253名儿童中,只有31.2%能保证每日刷两次牙,大部分每日刷一次(62.5%)。只有14.2%的家长能做到每天帮孩子刷牙。在247名使用牙膏刷牙的受检儿童中,9.3%的儿童家长知道牙膏中含氟,22.3%明确知道牙膏中不含氟,68.4%的家长不清楚牙膏中是否含氟。对刷牙频率、开始刷牙时间及家长辅助刷牙频率进行单因素分析,仅开始刷牙时间对患龋率有影响(c2=7.613,p=0.022)。4.家长口腔保健知识/态度家长在“口腔健康对自己的生活很重要”、“定期口腔检查十分必要”和“预防牙病首先要靠自己”这三项口腔常识上表现良好97.5%~87.7%。63.6%的家长同意“保护孩子的六龄齿很重要”。“母亲的牙齿不好会影响孩子的牙齿”这一项,同意和不同意此观点的各有32.7%,33.6%的家长表示不知道是否有关。口腔保健知识答对率较高的有6道题,答对率均在70%以上。其中,“吃糖可以导致龋齿”的答对率最高,为89.2%。“窝沟封闭能预防儿童龋齿”和“氟化物对保护牙齿没有用”两题的答对率较低,分别为23.5%和25.3%,不知晓率分别为71%和69.1%。家长口腔保健的知识/态度对儿童口腔健康没有明显影响(p0.05)。5.就诊情况324名受检儿童中仅62人曾于相关医疗机构就诊。就诊原因也以咨询检查(42.9%)和治疗(46.9%)为主。275人近一年没有带孩子到医院看过牙的主要原因是家长认为孩子的牙没有问题(77.1%)。结论:由口腔健康检查表结果可见:1、大同市3~5岁儿童患龋率高,就诊率低。2、乳牙龋病呈低龄化趋势。3、乳牙龋病存在高危人群。由口腔健康问卷结果可见:1、儿童口腔卫生习惯欠佳,不能保证有效刷牙。2、开始刷牙时间晚的和有睡前进食甜食习惯的儿童患龋情况更严重。3、家长对氟化物防龋知识和乳牙窝沟封闭缺乏了解。4、家长口腔健康知识尚欠缺,态度转化为行动的能力不足,就医行为不容乐观。
[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the status of dental caries, children's eating habits, oral hygiene habits, medical treatment and parents' oral health care knowledge / attitude in Datong 3~5 years old children, and to provide an epidemiological basis for the prevention and treatment of deciduous dental caries in Datong. Methods: the random sampling method of stratified, cluster and equal volume sampling was used to randomly select Datong city. There were 324 children in 3 kindergartens in the district. 36 children, boys and girls in each kindergarten were 36, boys and girls. (1) the dental crown status of 20 deciduous teeth in each child was examined by clinical examination. The dental caries, caries, and the rate of treatment were calculated according to the records. The CPI probe was used mainly for the examination instruments and the light source mirror was used. Cotton swabs (two) (two), the questionnaire part of the children's parents to conduct one to one inquiry, to understand the children's eating habits, oral hygiene habits, medical conditions and parents' oral health knowledge / attitude. All examination results were verified and verified by the use of SPSS l7.0 software for statistical analysis. Fruit: 1. cases of dental caries in Datong 3-5 year old children with caries rate of 56.17%, The caries were 3.12, and 98.02% of the caries had not been treated. The caries rate increased significantly with age (c2=15.746, P0.001), but there was no significant difference between men and women (c2=0.451, P=0.502). The decayed tooth caries showed a low age trend. The caries rate of 3 year old children had reached 7.79 of 40.74%. significant caries, and half of the overall caries average of 2.5 times.2. children's eating habits half. These children have the habit of eating desserts or sweet drinks before bedtime. The frequency control effect of sweet drinks is relatively ideal. The habit of eating sweets before bedtime has an effect on the rate of dental caries (P=0.027).3. oral hygiene habits in 324 children examined, 31.8% of them have started brushing their teeth before three years of age, and they begin to brush their teeth at the age of 35.2% and three, and 9.9% three years old. After four and five years old, 21.9% of the children have not begun to brush their teeth. Of the 253 children who have already begun brushing, only 31.2% can brush two teeth a day, mostly once a day (62.5%). Only 14.2% of the parents can brush their teeth every day. Among the children who have been brushing their teeth by 247 toothpaste, 9.3% of the children's parents know that. Fluoride in toothpaste, 22.3% clearly know no fluoride in toothpaste, 68.4% of the parents do not know whether fluoride in the toothpaste. The frequency of brushing teeth, the beginning of brushing time and parental assistance in dental brushing frequency of single factor analysis, only start brushing time has an impact on the rate of dental caries (c2=7.613, p=0.022).4. parents oral health knowledge / attitude parents in "oral health" "It is important for your life", "regular oral examination is necessary" and "prevention of dental disease first depends on yourself." the three oral common sense 97.5%~87.7%.63.6% parents agree that "protecting the six age teeth of a child is important". "Mother's tooth is not good will affect the child's teeth", agree and disagree on this view. There were 32.7% and 33.6% of the parents who did not know whether they were concerned. There were 6 questions in the oral health care knowledge, and the answer rate was above 70%. Among them, the answer rate of "candy can lead to dental caries" was the highest, and the rate of answer of the 89.2%. "pit and furrow sealing can prevent children's caries" and "fluorides to protect the teeth" two questions were compared. Low, 23.5% and 25.3%, 71% and 69.1%. parents' oral health care knowledge / attitude had no significant impact on children's oral health (P0.05).5. visits. Only 62 of the 324 children who had been examined had been hospitalized in the relevant medical institutions. The reasons for the consultation (42.9%) and treatment (46.9%) were not taken for nearly one year. The main reason that children see the teeth in the hospital is that the parents believe that the teeth of children have no problem (77.1%). Conclusion: the results of oral health check list can be seen: 1, 3~5 years old children in Datong have high dental caries rate, low rate of.2, deciduous dental caries of.3, and high risk population of deciduous dental caries. The results of oral health questionnaire can be seen: 1, oral hygiene of children. Poor habits can not guarantee the effective brushing of.2. Children who begin to brush their teeth late and have the habit of eating sweets before sleep are more serious.3. Parents lack knowledge of dental fluoridate knowledge and lacunal fissure closure, lack of knowledge on the oral health knowledge of parents, lack of ability to translate attitude into action, and not be optimistic about medical behavior.


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