[Abstract]:Objective: to measure the distance between mandibular nerve canal and buccal side, lingual side, alveolar crest and lower margin of mandible by cone-beam computed tomography-CBCT, and to determine the path of mandibular nerve canal in mandibular posterior region. To provide theoretical support for preoperative evaluation of mandibular posterior dental implant. Methods: a total of 65 patients were selected from July 14 to June 15 in Anhui Provincial Hospital Stomatology Center, including 35 male patients and 30 female patients, aged from 21 to 67 years, with an average age of 43 卤2.3 years. The scanning voltage of CBCT.CBCT was 90 kV, the current was 9 Ma, and the shooting time was 1: 21 s. Methods: on lateral tomographic images, the images of mental foramen, 6 mm behind mental foramen, 12 mm behind mental foramen and 4 positions of 18mm behind mental foramen were taken as measuring cross sections respectively. Measurements: the horizontal distance between the lateral wall of the mandibular nerve tube and the mandibular buccal bone plate, the horizontal distance between the medial wall of the mandibular nerve canal and the lingual bone plate of the mandible, and the vertical distance between the upper wall of the mandibular nerve tube and the alveolar crest. The vertical distance from the inferior wall of the mandibular canal to the lower margin of the mandible was repeated three times and the average value was calculated. Results: the horizontal distance from the lateral wall of the mandibular canal to the buccal bone plate gradually increased from front to back, and was the smallest in the mental foramen and the largest in the 18mm after the mental foramen. The horizontal distance from the medial wall of the mandibular canal to the lingual bone plate gradually decreased from forward to backward, which was the largest at the mental foramen and the smallest at the 18mm behind the mental foramen. The vertical distance from the upper wall of the mandibular canal to the top of the alveolar crest gradually decreased from forward to backward, which was the largest at the mental foramen and the smallest at the 18mm behind the mental foramen. The vertical distance from the inferior wall of the mandibular canal to the lower margin of the mandible decreased from anterior to posterior, then increased, and was the smallest at the posterior mental foramina 6mm and the largest at the posterior mental foramina 18mm. All the results showed that there was no significant difference between male and female in the distance between the mandibular nerve tube and the four sides of bone wall (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between the left side of the mandible and the right side of the mandible (P0.05). Conclusion: 1. CBCT can accurately measure the position of the mandibular canal, its path and its relationship with the surrounding tissues. The horizontal distance from the lateral wall of the mandibular canal to the bone plate of the buccal side gradually increased from front to back, and the horizontal distance from the medial wall of the mandibular nerve tube to the lingual bone plate gradually decreased. The vertical distance from the upper wall of the mandibular canal to the top of the alveolar crest gradually decreased from front to back, and the vertical distance from the inferior wall of the mandibular canal to the lower margin of the mandible decreased first and then increased.
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