发布时间:2018-09-09 09:54
【摘要】:鼻腔共鸣功能异常,尤其是鼻腔共鸣功能亢进是腭裂患者的巨大困扰,其不同程度地影响着此类患者的言语清晰度和可懂度,进而对其心理状态和生活质量产生极大的负面影响。探索出科学、准确的评估方法对腭裂儿童的鼻腔共鸣功能亢进的矫治起着关键性的作用,解决鼻腔共鸣亢进的问题,有助于提高腭裂患者言语的可懂度和流畅性,帮助他们更好地进行社会交往。 本研究通过梳理国内外鼻音功能亢进的评估研究,发现目前研究领域和临床上多采用主观判听与客观测量相结合的手段来评估鼻音功能亢进,而专门针对腭裂鼻音功能亢进的主观评估材料不统一,客观测量多从单维参数出发,对鼻音功能亢进的评价不能做出全面科学的评价。因此本研究首先以国际通用原则为基础,结合汉语言普通话特点设计了鼻音功能亢进的主观听感知评估工具;其次从多维角度(声学、电生理及空气动力学)提取能够反映鼻音功能亢进的敏感性、可靠性参数,通过探测这些参数与主观听感知的关系,构建出能够评价腭裂鼻音功能亢进的多参数模型。 本研究主要取得的阶段性研究成果如下: 按照国际通用的评估测试语料的设计原则和评分标准,设计了腭裂鼻音功能亢进主观听感知评估工具,其内容包括13个单音节词语和16个5字短句,可用于临床上评价腭裂鼻音功能亢进的有无和严重程度。 运用设计的腭裂鼻音功能亢进主观听感知评估工具,研究了多维客观参数与主观听感上的关系,发现了腭裂鼻音功能亢进的敏感性及可靠性参数,建立了鼻音功能亢进的多参数评价模型HNSI=-0.129+1.743XMNS-0.031XSGP。该模型与主观评估之间的一致性为57.35%,可用于鼻音功能亢进的客观评价。
[Abstract]:The abnormal resonance function of nasal cavity, especially the hyperfunction of nasal resonance, is a great problem for cleft palate patients, which affects the speech intelligibility and intelligibility of these patients in varying degrees. And then the psychological state and quality of life have a great negative impact. To explore a scientific and accurate evaluation method plays a key role in the correction of nasal resonance hyperfunction in cleft palate children, and solve the problem of nasal resonance hyperfunction, which is helpful to improve the speech intelligibility and fluency of cleft palate patients. Help them to socialize better. By combing the domestic and foreign research on the evaluation of nasal hyperactivity, this study found that the current research field and clinical use of subjective hearing and objective measurement to assess nasal hyperactivity. However, the subjective assessment materials of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction are not uniform, and the objective measurement is based on the single dimension parameter, and the evaluation of nasal hyperfunction can not be evaluated scientifically. Therefore, based on the international general principles and the characteristics of Chinese Putonghua, this study first designed a subjective auditory perception assessment tool for nasal hyperactivity, and then from a multi-dimensional perspective (acoustics, Electrophysiology and aerodynamics) extraction can reflect the sensitivity and reliability parameters of nasal hyperfunction. By detecting the relationship between these parameters and subjective auditory perception, a multi-parameter model can be established to evaluate cleft palate nasal hyperfunction. The main achievements of this study are as follows: according to the design principles and scoring criteria of the international evaluation test corpus, a subjective auditory perception assessment tool for cleft palate nasal hyperfunction was designed. It includes 13 monosyllabic words and 16 short sentences, which can be used to evaluate the degree and severity of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction. By using the designed assessment tool of subjective auditory perception of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction, the relationship between multidimensional objective parameters and subjective hearing perception was studied, and the sensitivity and reliability parameters of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction were found. A multiparameter evaluation model HNSI=-0.129 1.743 XMNS-0.031 XSGP was established. The consistency between the model and subjective assessment is 57.35, which can be used for objective evaluation of nasal hyperactivity.
[Abstract]:The abnormal resonance function of nasal cavity, especially the hyperfunction of nasal resonance, is a great problem for cleft palate patients, which affects the speech intelligibility and intelligibility of these patients in varying degrees. And then the psychological state and quality of life have a great negative impact. To explore a scientific and accurate evaluation method plays a key role in the correction of nasal resonance hyperfunction in cleft palate children, and solve the problem of nasal resonance hyperfunction, which is helpful to improve the speech intelligibility and fluency of cleft palate patients. Help them to socialize better. By combing the domestic and foreign research on the evaluation of nasal hyperactivity, this study found that the current research field and clinical use of subjective hearing and objective measurement to assess nasal hyperactivity. However, the subjective assessment materials of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction are not uniform, and the objective measurement is based on the single dimension parameter, and the evaluation of nasal hyperfunction can not be evaluated scientifically. Therefore, based on the international general principles and the characteristics of Chinese Putonghua, this study first designed a subjective auditory perception assessment tool for nasal hyperactivity, and then from a multi-dimensional perspective (acoustics, Electrophysiology and aerodynamics) extraction can reflect the sensitivity and reliability parameters of nasal hyperfunction. By detecting the relationship between these parameters and subjective auditory perception, a multi-parameter model can be established to evaluate cleft palate nasal hyperfunction. The main achievements of this study are as follows: according to the design principles and scoring criteria of the international evaluation test corpus, a subjective auditory perception assessment tool for cleft palate nasal hyperfunction was designed. It includes 13 monosyllabic words and 16 short sentences, which can be used to evaluate the degree and severity of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction. By using the designed assessment tool of subjective auditory perception of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction, the relationship between multidimensional objective parameters and subjective hearing perception was studied, and the sensitivity and reliability parameters of cleft palate nasal hyperfunction were found. A multiparameter evaluation model HNSI=-0.129 1.743 XMNS-0.031 XSGP was established. The consistency between the model and subjective assessment is 57.35, which can be used for objective evaluation of nasal hyperactivity.
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