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发布时间:2019-06-20 17:26
【摘要】:目的利用锥形束CT(CBCT)研究正中矢状面下颌前牙与牙槽骨的相对位置关系,为下颌前牙区的种植修复设计提供参考。方法从CBCT影像库中选取下颌恒牙列完整的影像学资料150例,按照性别、牙位分为6组,以受测牙正中矢状面的牙槽骨长轴为基准,测量下颌前牙牙体长轴相对于牙槽骨长轴的倾斜角度(偏舌侧为正,偏唇侧为负)。使用SPSS 19.0软件对数据进行统计学分析。结果男性下颌中切牙、下颌侧切牙、下颌尖牙牙体长轴相对于牙槽骨长轴倾斜角度的平均值分别为4.77°(-8.17°~16.10°)、6.12°(-2.87°~17.57°)、5.01°(-8.13°~17.67°),女性倾斜角度的平均值依次为5.38°(-5.63°~12.93°)、5.81°(-7.70°~15.70°)、6.21°(-7.70°~17.87°)。其中,男性下颌中切牙、下颌侧切牙、下颌尖牙倾斜角度在-10°~10°区间的百分比依次为87.34%、80.67%、88.00%,女性依次为90.67%、82.66%、82.66%。无论男性还是女性,下颌前牙牙体长轴相对于牙槽骨长轴倾斜角度在(-10°~10°)的百分比均超过80%,且牙体长轴偏向唇侧均不超过10°,偏向舌侧均不超过20°。结论绝大多数下颌前牙牙体长轴与牙槽骨长轴的方向基本一致,临床上可以参考二者的位置关系制定合理的种植治疗方案。
[Abstract]:Objective to study the relative position of mandibular anterior teeth and alveolar bone in median sagittal plane by conical beam CT (CBCT), and to provide reference for the design of mandibular anterior tooth restoration. Methods 150 cases of mandibular permanent dentition were selected from CBCT image database and divided into 6 groups according to sex. Based on the long axis of alveolar bone on the median sagittal plane of the measured teeth, the tilt angle of the long axis of mandibular anterior teeth to the long axis of alveolar bone (positive on the lingual side and negative on the labial side) was measured. SPSS 19.0 software was used to analyze the data statistically. Results the average tilt angle of mandibular middle incisor, mandibular lateral incisor and mandibular incisor was 4.77 掳(- 8.17 掳~ 16.10 掳), 6.12 掳(- 2.87 掳~ 17.57 掳), 5.01 掳(- 8.13 掳~ 17.67 掳), 5.38 掳(- 5.63 掳~ 12.93 掳), 5.81 掳(- 7.70 掳~ 15.70 掳), 6.21 掳(- 7.70 掳~ 17.87 掳), 5.81 掳(- 7.70 掳~ 15.70 掳), 6.21 掳(- 7.70 掳~ 17.87 掳), 5.38 掳(- 5.63 掳~ 12.93 掳), 5.81 掳(- 7.70 掳~ 15.70 掳) and 6.21 掳(- 7.70 掳~ 17.87 掳), respectively. Among them, the percentage of male mandibular middle incisor, mandibular lateral incisor and mandibular cusp angle in the range of-10 掳~ 10 掳was 87.34%, 80.67%, 88.00%, and that of female was 90.67%, 82.66%, 82.66%, 82.66% and 82.66%, respectively. Both male and female, the percentage of the inclination angle of the long axis of the mandibular anterior tooth to the long axis of the alveolar bone (- 10 掳~ 10 掳) was more than 80%, and the long axis of the tooth body was no more than 10 掳to the lip side and 20 掳to the tongue side. Conclusion the direction of the long axis of most mandibular anterior teeth is basically the same as that of alveolar bone, and a reasonable implantation treatment plan can be worked out according to the position relationship between them.
【作者单位】: 山东大学口腔医院种植科山东省口腔组织再生重点实验室;山东大学口腔医院修复科;合肥市口腔医院种植科;山东省立医院口腔颌面外科;


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