发布时间:2019-02-14 19:35
【摘要】:目的:通过比较进展性与非进展性缺血性小卒中患者颅内血管狭窄情况及一些血液学指标,结合临床探讨小卒中出现进展的可能相关因素。方法:以2015年1-12月至我院就诊的发病3 d内的脑卒中患者为研究对象,均为入院时美国国立卫生院卒中量表(NIHSS)评分每项≤1分,其中意识评分必须为0分且评分总分≤3分的小卒中患者。比较42例进展性小卒中及72例非进展性小卒中患者头颅CTA检查结果及部分血液学指标,以分析小卒中进展可能的相关因素。结果:两组比较,卒中部位、颅内大血管动脉粥样硬化情况可能与小卒中进展无明显相关,而血纤维蛋白原及C-反应蛋白两组间差异有显著性,进展性小卒中组高于非进展性小卒中组。结论:小卒中进展可能与颅内大动脉动脉粥样硬化程度无明显相关,而与脑梗死发病时血液黏稠度及血管内皮损伤程度有关。
[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the intracranial vascular stenosis and some hematologic indexes in patients with progressive and non-progressive ischemic stroke and to explore the possible factors related to the progression of stroke. Methods: stroke patients with stroke within 3 days from January to December 2015 in our hospital were studied. The (NIHSS) scores of stroke scale of the National Institutes of Health (NHS) were 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the intracranial vascular stenosis and some hematologic indexes in patients with progressive and non-progressive ischemic stroke and to explore the possible factors related to the progression of stroke. Methods: stroke patients with stroke within 3 days from January to December 2015 in our hospital were studied. The (NIHSS) scores of stroke scale of the National Institutes of Health (NHS) were 鈮,